3 minute read
Shevlin Pine
"Johnnie, I can't hear you."
And Johnnie answered firmly: "Mother, I wasn't talking to you."
Changes in Sales Organization
Chicago, March S,-Changes in the sales organization of The Celotex Corporation have been announced by Harold A. Knapp, general sales manager.
Lee Bartholomew, since 1934 manager of the Cleveland division, has been made assistant general sales manager with headquarters in Chicago. His place is being taken by George J. Dinges, who was assistant manager of the New Orleans division.
Mr. Bartholomew joined Celotex as salesman in 1931. having previously been Eastern sales manager for I. F. Laucks, Inc., manufacturing chemists. He is a graduate of the lJniversity of Oregon and for six years was engaged in the retail lumber business in Oregon and Washington.
Mr. Dinges has been with Celotex since 1931, first as a salesman and more recently as assistant division manag'er, New Orleans. Before 1931, he was sales engineer for the American Radiator Company.
Returns From Coast Visit
Geo. J. Silbernagel, wholesale lumberman of Chicago, left Los Angeles March 11 for his home after spending some time rvith friends and relatives in Southern California. He also visited Seattle on business.
Snowbound Travelers Have Good Time
In a letter to The California Lumber Merchant, Wendell Robie, Auburn Lumber Company, Auburn, Calif., nationally knorvn authority on the sport and pastime of skiing, comments humorously on an item in a recent issue telling of a lumber salesman being marooned at Herstle Jones' Rainbow Tavern near Truckee during a February storm. His letter concludes: "How about the advantages of a good little snorv-marooning vacation for those high blood-pressure lumbermen who by now may find the Canal trip and Habana monotonous from repetition ?"
Mr. Robie enclosed an editorial from the California Ski News, official organ of the California Ski Association, published at Auburn. The editorial states that more than 5,000 people enjoyed the winter sports along the Donner trail on Sunday, February N, and also refers to the many reports heard of the "privations" undergone by news reel men, traveling salesmen and others at Rainbow Tavern, and reads in part as follows:
"The crux of the whole thing is that they were marooned in one of the most luxurious marooning places on the Donner Trail. With its spacious lobby, its cheerful bar, its warm, comfortable rooms, its beauty rest mattresses, its wonderful meals and that Virginia baked ham for which Herstle is famous, this band of maroonists watched the ever descending flakes pile higher and higher while they suffered around the bar before the cheerful open fire.
"Our words are absolutely inadequate to describe the stories of this suffering or to picture a more desolate strain upon their reason than all that befell this Donner Party of 1938. When it came time for them to be rescued by the Greenrvood of today-the state highway maintenance department, it was only with a shoe horn that they were able to get out of the doors of Rainbow Tavern so great had grown their middles. They were loaded bodily into trucks and hauled away from the scene of their suffering, and as the broad reaches of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys burst upon their sunken orbs the ghost of General Sutter arose out of the setting sun and welcomed them back again into the civilization of today. What's that?"
California Consetvation \Veek
California Conservation Week, dedicated to the preservation of valuable natural resources in the form of soil, forests, water, wildlife, native flora and recreation areas, began March 7 with statewide observances of Arbor Day and Luther Burbank's birthday. For the fourth consecutive year California schools, civic organizations, public agencies and individuals ioined in a campaign during the week of March 7-74, to stimulate greater conservation education and activity.
Governor Frank F. Merriam expressed the full meaning of California Conservation Week in his recent public message which read in part: "We must all unite in formulating public opinion which will make us all cognizant ol the importance of our part in helping to prevent forest fires, to adopt measures to protect the fertility of the soil from erosion and to conserve our vast water resources.tt
The decler who stocks VEIO HighEcrly-Strength Portlcrnd CEMENT is in cr position to serve customers when the service is most keenlY qppreciated.
Concrete work must often be done in qn industriol plcnt without interfering with production. There is a mqchine foundotion to be built, o floor to be laid, cr drivewcry or looding plcrtform to be repqired in the shortest time possible. Around homes ond public buildings, clso, similcr emergencies qrise.
And VELO is mony types reody for use forms con be
THE emergency cement. In of work it mokes concrete within 24 hours. Foundation stripped in 48 hours or less. Being extremely plostic, VELO mqkes qn eosy mix crnd o dense, wotertight concrete. Its finol strength meets the highest stqndqrds for Portlcnd cement.
Recomrnend VELO without quolificcrtions crnd keep it in stock for customers' emergencies.!