1 minute read

New BALSAM-WOOL is the Yearos BIGGEST Insulation News for Lumber Dealers-

Todoy, Bo.lso.m-Wooi SEALED Insulotion offers you the greotest soles advantoges ever brought to the lumber deoler by ony form of insulotion! For iodoy there's e- new, improved Bolsom-Wool-a product combining oll the outsionding Bolsom-Wool feotures with o NEW method of applicotion thot cuts opplicotion costs os much os 509i;. These substontiol sovinqs to your customers ore due to the new Bolsom-Wool Spocer Flonge* ond Fibre Cleots qssuring eosier, foster, more secure opplicoiion thon ever before.

Whot other insulotion offers the lumber deoler such o powerful, new aid in building up his insulotion volume ond profits? Stort NOW to get o bigger shqre of insulotion business with the new, improved Bolsom-Wool!

'Patent Pendiag

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