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News Flashes
John Galbraith, formerly manager for Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. at Yuma, Ariz., has been transferred to Santa Ana where he r,vill be in charge. He is a former Santa Ana boy and his old friends are glad to see him back in the old home town again. He succeeds Cloyd Garner rvho is in charge of the construction and opening of the new yards the company are starting.
A new branch has been opened at Hanford with F. B. Trull, formerly assistant manager at Delano, as manager. New yards are being erected at Tulare and Barstow, and a nelv plant is being built on the main highway at Banning to replace the present one there. Bill Garmon is manager at Banning.
Ray Culpepper, formerlv assistant manager at Yuma, succeecls Mr. Galbraith as manager.
The name of the D. M. Holsinger business at Yucaipa tras been changed to D. M' Holsinger Lumber & Hardware Co, D. M. Holsinger and Gorden A. Greenslade are the prnprietors.
Louis Jennings, Jennings Lumber Company, Safford. Arizona, has been visiting in Los Angeles on a combined business and vacation triP'
Wayne Mullin, Mullin Lumber Company, Los Angeles, and Mrs. Mullin, have returned from a vacatiort trip to Honolulu and New Zealand.
Lew Godard, sales manager of Hobbs, Wall & Company, San Francisco, is back from a 10-day business trip to Southern California, where he made his headquarters at the company's I-os Angeles office.
Paul Orban, Orban Lumber Company, Pasadena, and Mrs. Orban, who are on a vacation trip to the West Indies, are expected back on March 20.
George'W. Gorman, general manag'er, Trans-Pacific I-umber Company, is back from a trip to the mill at Port Orford, Ore.. and to Portland and Seattle.
Glick Bros. Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is building a new acldition to the office building. The company has added a Willamette Hyster lift truck to its yard equipment.
John Wormhoudt, Wormhoudt Lumber Company, Ottumwa, Iowa, is spending the rvinter at Santa Monica. Mr. Wormhoudt has been in the lumber business in Iowa for the past forty-seven years. With his old friend, John W. Fisher, Fisher-Srvartz Lttmber Co., Santa Monica, he attended the retailers' meeting at Los Angeles the evening of March 3.
J. Glennon Cahill, manager of the panel department of \Arestern Hardwood Lumber Company, returned last week from a trip to the plylvood manufacturing plants in the Pacific Northrvest.
Our Advertisers
*Advertisements apepar in altetnate issue'
American Hardwood Co.--- - ----- - - -- -O'F C'
American Lumber and Treating Co''---- --------13
Back Panel Company ------'--:---"'27
Baxter & Cr., J. H.------------------------- "---------"-12
Booth-Kelly Lumber C.o. ---------'-------
Brookmire' Inc.----------------
Burnr Lumber Co..---.-.-----'
Cadwallader-Gibcon Co., Inc.'---- - ------'-'---------29
California Builders Supplv Co.------'--------------15
California Door Company, The------------
California Panel & Veneer Co. --------------'----19
Celotex Corporation, The.-----
Cobb Co., T. M.,---,- ---------------'29
Curtis Companics Service Bureau - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "'13
Dolbeer & C,arson Lumber Co. -- --
Douglas Fir Plywood Aesociation ------------------'19
Eubank & Son, fnc., L. H. ---------. -------- -----------2t
Gamerston & Green.-------
Gorman [,rrnts1 Co.------------,----
Gravee C,ompany-------------------
Hall, Jamec L-------------------- -,-- --------------------------24
Flammond Redwood Co. -----,
Flarbor Plywood Corporation ------,----------'-------11
Hill & Morton, Inc. ------,,--------
Flogan Lumber Co.-------------'---- -------------------------'24
Ffoorret, A. L..-------------- ---------------'27
Insulite Company, The.----------------
Janin Lumber Co., Roy M. .----------'- ------- O'F C.
Johnron Lumber Corporation, C. D. ------- --"
Koehl & Son, Inc., John W..-,-----
Kuhl Lumbet C.o., Carl H..---'------------- --------- --24 l,amon-Bonnington C-ompany.---------
Lawrmce-Philips Lumber Co. -.'---.
Lumbermentg Credit Association ---' -----'-----------25
MacDonald & HarringSon' Ltd. ------------------*- 4
Macklanburg-Duncan Co.------------------
Maris Plywood Corporation
Marehall, fnc., John E..----------------------- ----------.27
Michigan-California Lumber C.o. ---------------'--- "
M and M Wood Workins Co.-------------------17'22
Monolith Pordand Ceurent Company -----------17
Moore Dry Kiln Co..-------
O'Neill Lumber Co. --------.--------
Pacifc Coagt Shingle InsPection Bureau, Inc.,---------------- ------'-----29
Pacific Lumber Co., The.----------------------- O.B.C.
Pacific Mutual Door Co. --------------...
Paci6c Vire Productg Co.----,-------,------,------------ 16
Pacific Vood Producto Corporation --------------- 2
Pattetr-Blinn Lumber Co. --- .------------
Pordand Cement Acrociation