3 minute read


Bv Jcck Dionne

Ag" not gulrrntecd---Soma I havc told for 20 ycarr---Some lesc

Just a Bit o[ Hard Luclc \(/as All

Harry Land, comedian, tells this one. He says he went into a small delicatessen shop in Hollywood, and asked the short Russian Jewish lady who ran the placg how business was. She exploded. Evidently had just been waiting for someone to tell her troubles to.

"ft's like dis" she said. "f used to be in de delicatessetr business in Minneapolis. My healt got bad und I camed out here to start anudder delicatessen. I got looking around for a goot place to open, und a man came und made me a proposition. ffe owns de cabaret right next door here. He said dot he sold drinks only in his cabaret, und if I would


McElroy Lumber Company recently purchased the yard of the Wightman Lumber Company at Los Altos.


Hardwood Waffs at a low-cost wallboard price !

"WELDBORD" -resin-bonded, wcier-resistsnl hard.uood plywood wqllbocrrd---.crt yo its lormer cost.


No grain rcise. No surlcce checking. Needs no specicrl trectnent.

Veldbord mcrkes possible rich, ncturcl-looking wqlnut -or mchogcrny-stained pcrneling cmd smooth, mcrr-resistcnt pcinted .rnd pcpered wclls at louer cost per fi,n- ished sq. ft.

Two Grcdes: "Wcter-resistcnrt" cnd "Wcterproof" (slightly higher cosr)

Ye" rhick Sizes: 96" x 48",84" x 48", 72" x 48"

Send for sannple and d.etoiled inform,ation


ll9 Xorgcs SbeeL Scn Francigso

1930 Ecgt l5rh Skeet, Loe Angeles General Offices: New yort< q!!,!9!_OE[cEs AND WABEHoUSES: BA"r.TrMonE, BosToN, BRoOXLI}{, qry__qrqga cnlcrNNArt, cl_nvq4ryq. oErnon,- icjs-elrGn is, -NEwAiii; NEw yonr, pHTLADELpHTA, nocnrsrsn, sAN -FnANersco,' iiEJi-rrrr: open dis place next door he could send ofer here ven peoples vanted sendwiches, und get dem from me, und it vould be a fine business for me. So I opened dis place here. But I nefer got no orders from de cabaret next door. So I vent ofer dere und esked de man fer vy not, und he tolt me he had changed his mind und put in his own food kitchen about de time I opened up. Dofs vot he done to me. He Iaugh und say he didn't sign no papers to trade mit me. I tought I vould die ven he told me dot ! I vos so mad ! Belief me, f ain't mean, und I don't vish him no hard luck for what he done. All I hope is he gets just a leetle cancer. Dot's all."


Hal Baly, Jr., Van Nuys Lumber Company, is back from a month's trip to Mexico City.

Pressure Treated Lumber

Termite, decay and fire recistant Clean, odorlers and paint. able. Approved by FHA and Los Angelee Building Code. In Southern California, CZC lumbet is treated in our Long Beach plant. It ic also available from ctock in our Alameda, C.aIifornia, yard.

Exclusive Sales Agentc in California for WEST COAST V/OOD PRESERVING CO.

Seattle, V'ash.

J. H. Baxter & Co.

IT HELPS SELL HOUSES when the builder can say, "Wol66-izsd Lu-her protects this house against damage by termites aud decay." That selling point adds less than 2/o to the lotal cost, for Wolmanized Lumber used only in joists, sills, and subfloors provides effective protectiou. TelI your builder customers about it.

Qr./rfarr",rr/FrllZ Stood on shelves like these

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O Put Curtis Woodwork on your sales force! For when prospects see this distinctive, correct and reasonably priced woodwork, they'll buy everything from you!

You know that many of your customers can't alford high grade special-made woodwork. But they can afford stock Curtis Woodwork. And that makes Curtis Woodwork a salesman Ior you!

Prominent architects design most oI the items in the Curtis line. And Curtis has maintained the highest quality of manulacture throughout its 73 years.

STOCKED FOR YOU: Wolmauized Lumber is sold through regular trade channels, so your profit is protected. We treat lumber lor leading producers, who stock it ready to ship to you in straight or mixed carloads. Write to us {or cornplete informatiou. AMERICAN LUMBER & TREATING COMPANY. l4O8 Old Colony Building, Chicago.

Los Angeles, l03l South Broadway, PRospect 4363 San Francisco, 116 New Montgonery Street, SUtter 1225

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Your customers may select entrances, mantels, china cabinets, stairways-all the woodwork for the modern home-in almost any style oI architecture from the Curtis Catalog. Get a copy now and see what Curtis offers you in architectural woodwork and pro{its.

Curtis Companies Service Bureau

If you live in Cdnada, write to Edwards Curtis Limited,

99J Somerset St.West, Ottawa, Cano.da

IVqae ---- - -

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