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A Job For All Friends Of The Forest
The forest ranger fights your battles on the fire line €very summer. It is hard work and desperate-protecting the nation's forest wealth. Most of these fires are mancaused,-due to thoughtlessness, carelessness, or ignorance. Many of them could be prevented by education.
You can help in this. You are one of the ranger's allies. You can help stop the hand of the man who starts a forest fire.
The big drive,-the opening barrage in the summer's campaign,-is American Forest Week, April 27 to May 3. It will be nation-wide. In his proclamation, President Coolidge calls upon "all patriotic citizens to unite in the common task of forest conservation and renewal."
Here is a job for all "friends of the forest" in California that is worth while. Forest fire is the great enemy of "forest conservation and renewal." Fighting the fire before it gets started,-preventing it,-is good strategy. Every school, club, commercial organization, Boy Scout troop and Camp Fire Girl council should put on a program during American Forest Week that will be an outstanding event of the year. Every Californian should become a veritable broadcasting station so that every one within his personal "zone of influence" will tune-in and get, without static interference, a forceful message that "It Pays to Prevent Forest Fires !"