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A Fine Home-Boosting Window on Main Street Makes 'em Think
The C. L. M. has tallied endlessly'of the advantages to be derived from "selling homes on the main streets of the town, instead of the back streets where the housewife and REAT. home owner never goes."
The ottrer day we were waii.ing along the "mainest" street in a beautiful city, and we stopped to gaze into a. big plate glass window. We were attracted because there were other people already looking in, and animatedly discussing the window display.
'We looked in and were at once attracted because what we saw there was an excellent example of what we have been preaching. It was a HOME-boosting window. The firm inside was NOT a lumber firm. so far as we could see (it was late in the evening and the store was closed) but was evidently the store of a firm of home builders.
In the window there were about a dozen large'and excellent photographs of HOMES, attractively bordered and displayed. They were NOT homes to be built, in this case, but HOMES ALREADY BUILT AND FOR SALE, and each one was thus visualized down on the main street, and in big black type the sale price of each home was shown. It was a mighty pretty and attractive stunt, and the first time we had ever seen it done.
And the window was further set off by several cally drawn show cards mixed with the home photographs. We stopped and copied the words on seveial oi thim. They were just as attractive as the photos themselves, and read as follows:
"Whose home do YOU live in ?"
".W"''n" g9t lhe home you've been looking for I come in and LET US SHOW YOU."
"Want a 20 per cent increase in your salary? Come in and we'll arrange it. STOP paying RENT, and apply that rent money on a HOME. f[ wiltlncrease your sa'liry fully'20 per cent."
"The good effect of home ownership on your children t:,qlrqlqtely priceless. It creates home spirit, promotes THRIFT, and makes the fireside the SANCTUM of the nation."
Is there any man .who has studied even the rudiments of MERCHANDISING who doubts for a moment that this front street window advertising PAYS ? Shouldn't we sell HOMES, and do our home-building boosting on the front streets where the ladies, the real home buil-ders and home lovers, do their shopping?
Isn't there a thought, Mr. I umber Merchant, in this window, that may help YOU IN YOUR building?