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At No Gr eater Cost
In every phase of life, one must pay for knowledge and experience except in manufactured products. Prices must be kept in line thru economy of production, and the experience of the manufacturer is a gift.
In Veneers and Plywood, we are willing to give you, at no greater cost, all of the experience we have acquired Since '89.
W. *"nrrf.cture from the log, veneers in all cabinet woods, and build stock plywood, or to your specifications.
Hardwood stock panels carried in Los Angeles '/+" and 5-16'-3 Ply, %"-5 Ply, 18", 24" and 30" wide x 48,,, 60,' ^nd 72" long.
The Work Of A Forest Ranger
The Forest Ranger is the "keyman" of the U. S. Forest Service. fn contact with the local public, and responsible for a forest area of from 50,000 to 300,000 acres, he tiansacts much of the business of the Service on the giound.
His work is varied and interesting. It may include: timber sale work, such as cruising, scaling, marking, and enforcement of forestry provisions; regulating the use of forest range_!y sheep-and cattle whiih the"stockmen bring into the National Forests under permit; laying out and building trails, bridges, telephone lines, lookout liouses and other forest improvements; surveying; and compiling the data for necessary reports and statistics.
More important than any of these lines of work is the duty of protecting his part of the forest from fire. He must plan for his fire season with all the care of a general going into battle. He must have his men, tools and supplies organized, and know where he can get reinforcementi; see that his lookout and patrol system is ,effective; and start for any forest fire, in his district, day or night, and see that it is immediately fought. He tries to keep forest fires from starting by showing the public how to be careful with fire, and.by securing the help of his local community.
The forest ranger must be a good woodsman, and know how to use the tools of a woodsman. He has to know how to pack supplies, sometimes on a horse, sometimes on his own back, and give first aid to injured fire-fighters. He must have good mental and physical health, and be able to "rough it."
By reason of what he has accomplished in safeguarding the forest resources of the nation, the forest ranger hai come to be known as a highly useful citizen and public officer-
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