1 minute read
is the door that will not wdrp or twist!
There's a, gua,rdrutee behind this trade.mdrk
"More profanity," declares a popular lecturer, "is due to fruitless attempts to open tight doors than to any one other cause."
Fact is, the trouble isn't due so much to the negligence of the man who hung the door as to the construction of the door itself.
By applying a scientific principle to wooden door construction, Laminex has overcome this fault. The cost of Laminex doors throughout the ordinary home, moreover, is only a fraction more than the cost of ordinary solid doors. Rehanging or replacing of just one warped or twisted door would cost much more than the little extra paid for Laminex.
Laminex is made of old-growth Douglas fir-with flat grain stiles, rails and panels, or with vertical grain stiles and rails. Laminex is the achievement of 36 years' research by the world's largest door manufacturer. It is built up by a "crossing" of layers called "lamination," and combining under tremendous pressure with a wonderful waterproof cement-much different from doors with solid stiles and rails, which have no countercheck against warping !
Progressive jobbers handle Laminex. Send for complete plan of merchandising cooperation for dealers. We will also send you an actual sample of Laminei wood, so you can make the famous water test, yourself. THE