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It's Better to Build Friendships than Battleships.
Uniform Texture Brings Repeat Orders
In Oak Flooring, the first creates the second. Oak trees that grow in one neighborhood or region are alike in color and texture. They derive identical characteristics from old MothCr Nature herself.
An Oak Floor that is made from the Oak of one timber tract will be even in color and uniform in texture- Such an Oak Floor is the most beautiful of all ahd commands instant admiration.
All of us have an instinctive preference for Quality.
Is produced from Oak trees that grow in one region only -all in the St. Francis Valley within forty miles of our plant. Piece by piece it comes from the machines, color iof color and'fiber for fiber. By the car load, the same holds true.
Will you join our ever-growing list of permanent dealers who are finding this advantage an effective sales producer. . Yes, we are ready to quote on all items. Shall we wrrte or wrre,
Write for our interesting boohlet. It's free.
We like to believe that the Lumber Industry's preference for Goodyears and their preference for Quality are one and the same.
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Play Golf
Forty-five of Southern California's best lumbermen golfers assembled at the Hollywood Country Club on Tuesday, April 7th, for the third of their 1925 series of Hoo Hoo Golf Tournaments.
The course was wet, after the recent several days' rain enjoyed by the southern part of the state, and this lowered the scores somewhat, of the men who would otherwise have shown up to better advantage.
Eighteen holes were played, in the afternoon, and the players were separated into four classes, A-B-C-D, the prizes being awarded for low net and low gross, in the various classes. Prizes were given to Frank Burnaby, Frank Harris, L. H. Ives, Roy Stanton, A. L. Hoover, J. E. LloydJones, H. W. Koll, Bairy Hanawalt, H. A. Graham, H. F. Worthington, C. E. Bonofi, A. C. Pemberthy, L. A. Beckstrom, J. R. Tully, George Bentley, and D. Woodhead. The handsome silver trophy donated at the last tournament by E. llSTiiifa-n-t-So'n;ir. *on this time by Mr. Frank Burnaby, of theSiin Lumber Company, Beverly Hills. Mr. Joe Chapman Fa*v:rrg*i5ii'€*win to his credit, it was decided that the two would play it off, in a private match, to determine the permanent ownership.
In the evening about forty of the boys stayed to enjoy a stag banquet. Clint Laughlin of the Long-Bell I-umber Company acted as Toastniaster, awarding the numerous prizes, and also the four prizes in the Calcutta Pool. These were won by Ed Ahrens, C. E. Bonoff, Frank Connelly and Cliff Bergstrom.
E. C. Miller Addresses Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club
Jack Whitney, of the S. E. Slade Lumber Company, was chairman at the April third meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club.
Seventy-five of the lioys turned out to see Jack do his stuff, and he carried ofi the honors in good shape. Assisted by F. M. (C"ppy) Slade, as song leader, they injected considerable fun into the rneeting by having a song contest, between the two sides of the table, Cappy betting Jack five dollars, (to be donated far a prize at the Golf Tburnament) that his side could sing the best and the loudest. Jack didn't have a chance, with Jack Ellis, of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, sitting on the west side of the table. Jack could sing it alone; and win for Cappy.
P. J. Leaver won the attendance prize, a mysterious looking bottle, wrapped in lots of paper, but the entire meeting was relieved when it was announced that the bottle contained some expensive perfume, instead of 'something else. __J"!k introduced Mr. E. C. Miller, president of the Grays Harbor Shingle Company, Aberdeen. Mr. Miller has bein speirding some time in California, in the interests of his c_ompaly which is represented in the state by the S. E. Slade Lumber Company, and he told the meeting some very interesting facts about the shingle market, and about what his company was doing with an edtrcational campaign, in the interests of the development of the red cedar shingle inarket.
The meeting adjourned after a short discussion on the coming Lumbermen's Stag Party, to be held at Venice on the night of May first, and reservations for which are now being taken.by W. B. Wickersham, 1100 Lane Mortgage Bldg., Los Angeles.
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