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Want Panel Salesman
WANTED: panel salesman for Southern California territory. _ Prefer one rvith personal acquaintance among the trade, but will intervrew any young man possessing *sales abilitv. Splendid opportunity foi risht -man. Adcl..., box 29-F, care California Lumber I\terihant.
Young Lady Seeks Position
{xperienced young woman stenogralther wants position in Southern California. Have had -years in lumbei work, and know Associational work thoroughly. Want position with. opportunity to advance. Addresi box 30-F, care Cali- fornia Lumber lVlerchant.
POSITION as salesman with Wholesale Lumber Company. Two years' experience. Best of references. Address Box A-40, care California Lumber Merchant.
Assistant Mill from plans, draw ences, age, and if BOYD
Superintendent, one who can take list details, make estimates, etc. Give re{er- married.
LUMBER & MILL CO., Santa Barbara.
Pasadena retail firm .ivants live, rvilling young man to attend to books and collections and assist in office work. Experience in estimating and meeting public very essential. Some knowledge of typewriter desirable. Those ready to prove themselves and submit references at interview may reply in own handwriting giving experience and particulari. Address Box A-39, care California Lumber Merchant.
RETAIL YARD for sale, excellent location on Suburban Boulevard, Los Angeles. Yard doing a good business and making a profit. $35,000 cash required. Address box A-38,, care California Lumber Merchant.
Want To Share Office
.I,os Angeles wholesaler wants to split office space with hardwood man, sash and door iobber or redwood representative. Splendid office, good location, ideil parking facilities, and the expenses are reasonable. Address Box 28-F, care Califofnia Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Lumber Executive
Desires to invest $15,000 rvith services in sound businessWide experience and excellent record stump to consumer. Address Box A-37, care Cali{ornia Lumber Merchant.
Accountant Open For Position
Wants to locate in Southern California. This man is thoroughly experienced in all branches of lumber yard bookkeeping and accountancy, is capable, and would make a valuable addition to any organization. Communicate with the Los Angeles office of ,,The California Lumber Merchant" for particulars.
For Sale
Lumber business for sale, and property (3% acres) for lease for long term of years. One-of'the finest l-oca!i-on9 in Los Angeles County. Will. require $35,- 000.00, besides lease. Terms, cash, no trades. Address "B-H," care California Lumber Merchant.
Hendrickson Lumber Company
Wholerale ll2 Market Sueet Sutter 387-398 San Francirco
Cargo and Car Shippers. Fir and Redwood Your Inquirier Solicitcd
Lietingr of rmall retail lumber yardr anywhere in California that are for rele. Have many inquiries for yarde from glQofi) to $3srofi). small town yerdr preferred. Should you have anything attrastive to offer eend full information immediately.