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olstite under floors
Moistite is the new waterproof sheathing for building and lining purposes.lt i-s particularlv aJaptable foi use -under hardwood floors "ttd'onlt both old or new sub-flooring'' It is for use under all exterior finishunder stucco, shingles, brick veneer and rustic. Moistite [..p" out moisture, cold and wind, conserves heat and deadens sound. Moistite is welcomed bv the architect, contractor, builder and own-er. lJses for Moistite in new buildings, old buildings and on the farm provide big market.
Good Profit For The Lumber Dealer
Moistite means good and continuou-s P1ofits for the lumber ..rdbnilding material dealer'
The Zellerbach Paper Company with -its divisions, is the exclusive Pacific Coast distributor.' Call at the nearest division or send the coupon for samples- of Moistite, descriptive liteiature, the merchandising and advertising plan and other information which shows ho*-y".t can cash in with this new waterproof sheathing.
Excltrsive Pacific Coast Dirtributorr
San Franciscor Sacrarnento, Loo Angeler, Portland, Spoftane, Oakland, Fresno, San Diegor. Seattler- 9-"lt-b5.*ty- ,::5;;. ..,...,-r:;:..;iid3$.r::'.d.i}'lldtflfi{}L'-:!'|. *l!! lt-**ft4ffi@&il
- Manufacturcd bY the NationalfapfiJtji:*. "". 60:
The bitumen in IVoistite so thoroushlrt saturates and binds to' peihei the inner fibres, that it be' iomes an integrol Part of the fa\er itself.
Zellcrbacb Papcr Company, 562 Bettcry Strcet, San Francirco, Calif.
Without obligation on my part, please send me samples of Moistite, descriptive booklet and the merchandising and advertising plan.
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