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Effective Use of Redwood Panels Made in Office of Redwood Sales Co.
Redwood paneling is used from floor manager's private office in the new offices Sales Company, in the Pacific National San Francisco.
A series of sandblasted panels form a border around the top of the walls. These dipict in order the Redwood forest and forest scenes, falling and bucking the log, under9ut of. the t-ree_, peeling the-log, logs going up bull chain rnto thc mill, log on carriage, a dry kiln, mill office and .!ip_. These panils were deiigned by Chas. C. Sammann, of the Angelus Stained Glass -Studios, San Francisco.
There is also an artistic sandblasted panel over the entrance door, of the company's famous brand "Sequoia", with which all their lumber- is branded.
The Redwood Sales Company is an organization which is owned by Holmes Eureki Lumber Co., Dotbeer Carson Lumber Co., Dodge Lumber Co., and Hobbs, Wall & Co., and which handles all the Eastern sales of these companies. This cooperative effort has proved to be very satisfactory_ from the point of view both of economy and Service, and substantial progress is being made in thi East.
Retailers are cordially invited to pay a visit to offices.
to ceiling of the of the Redwood Bank Building, these