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Wooden Box Manufacturers to Hold Second Tri-Annual vreeung
The Second 1931 Tri-annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Division of the National Association of Wooden Box Manufacturers will be held at the Hotel Sir Francis Drake, San Francisco, California, on Wednesday and Thursday, June 17th and 18th, 1931.
This will be a "round table" meeting to discuss matters of industry, organization, trade promotion, merchandising, production methods, etc., and will be similar to previous meetings held by the Pacific Coast Division of this Association. The first day of the meeting (June lTth), will be open to all wooden box manufacturers and others interested in the industry. The session to be held the second day, (June 18th), will be open only to members of the Association, or their representatives. AII motions passed at the June 17th session are subject to ratification by members at the session to be held June l8th.
The Association extends an invitation to all wooden box manufacturers, and others interested in the industry, to attend the meeting.
Softwood Imports During February
According to figures supplied by the Section of Customs Statistics of the Department of Commerce to the Lumber Division, softwood imports into the United States during February, 1931, were as follows:
Sawed lumber of fir, hemlock, spruce, pind or larch, dutiable; from Canada, 25,128,m board feet; from Germany, 385,000; from Mexico. l23,O/J0_; from Nicaragua,81,000, and Yugoslavia, 40,000.
Boards, planks and deals in the rough or planed and dressed on one side I of fir, hemlock, spruce, pine or larch; from Canada, 18,34O,000 board feet; free of duty.
Other kinds of softwood lumber free of dutv: from Canada, 2,362,Offi board feet; from Mexico, 3,000:
A. F. Frudden
A. F. Frudden, prominent Iolva lumberman, passed away at the home of his sister, Mrs. A. L. Crowe, Beverly Hills. Calif., on \Mednesday, April 8, at the age of 76 years. Burial services were held at Dubuque, Iowa. He was president of the Frudden Lumber Company who operate over a dozen yards throughout the state of Iowa, a vicepresident and director of the Northrvestern States Portland Cement Co.. and also served as a state senator of Iowa for eight years- Mr. Frudden was an annual visitor to California where he spent, several months each year at Beverly Hills.
Moves Sales Office to Eugene
The Booth-Kelly Lumber Company has moved its sales headquarters from Portland to Eugene, Oregon. L. L. Lewis, sales manager, has moved to Eugene, where he was sales manager for many years before moving to Portland.
Do You Know That
Ve can deliver anywhere in large or small lots: REDV/OOD or DOUGLAS FIR LOGS (with or without bark)
112 Market St. - San Francbco
Portlaad Office, American Bank Bldg.
Saler Oftce MilI
311 Catifomia SL Eureke, California San Francieco Humboldt Cormty
Phone KEarny O388 ilnrwoRr TUMBER sAsH & DooRs
Philippine and Frr Doorr and Panelr Officc, Yard, Mill and Doclc znd & Aricc s*. OAKLAND o,"I"1",?'o6
SIZZ Cotnl Bldg. Ancrican Brdr Bldg.