3 minute read
Paul Penberthy Resigns
Paul Penberthy, sales manager of the W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., has announced his resignation. Mr. pinberthy was connected with the W. E. Cooper Lumber Co. for the past ten years, and is well known to the hardwood Iumber industry on the Pacif,ic Coast. He has not announced his plans for the future, but we understand that he will continue in the lumber business.
Chips From The Forest
Recognizing the importance of protecting the forest, watersheds and recreational areas of northein California from fire, the Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors passed resolutions on April 6 fo-r the appointment of a com-mittee with authority and funds, as representatives of the board, to prevent fires, and called on the entire population of the county to- do its.share. Invitations were sent to neighbor- ing ^counties urging them to cooperate by carrying on'similar fire prevention activity.
Over 20,000 acres were planted in the the United States in 1930, according to a S. B. Shou', Regional Forester. tne pects to plant 25,000 acres this year.
national forests of report received by Forest Service ex-
That Mexico is starting an educational fire prevention gampaign is evidenced by recent reports to the li S. Forest Service of a panel painting, nine-by fifteen feet in size, showing a forest fire in all its destructiveness located in the International Cabaret in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico. IJnderneath lhe panlf is the warning, ,,Careless'Campers Spoil God's Country.
A. P. Heup, Kesterson,Lumber Co., Klamath Falls, Ore., was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent a few days calling on the lumber trade.
ISALKRAFT has won the enthusiastic approval of hundreds.of builders. fts strength and waterptoofness give results imposcible with ordinary paper. As a stucco base, it provides a backing that will not bulge e1 slretch-the crossed sisal fibet re-enforcement makes it tremendously strong in all directions. No backEatching ic necessnry. You can recommend Sisalkmft for any job where a tough, durable and waterproof material is needed.
Your list of customers, with an opening order, will start our sales promotion plan working for you. THE
I axed de chillun fer de joke Dat made 'em laugh an' run, "It ain't no joke" dey sez, "we's jis' Er natchly havin' fun."
I axed a rooster mockin' bird, When I had cotch his eye, "Why does you sing all day an' night?" Says he, "I dunno why."
I axed a yearlin' why he pawed De dust up in de lane, He bellered out his sass, "Boohoo! I feels lak raisin' cain !"
An' den de chillun, bird an' kef Axed why I felt so god, S'I, "Don't ax me-Kerhoop !" says I, "It's sumpin' in my blood."
Teacher:-"Can you tell me what was the most notable date in Roman history?"
Flapper:-"Sure. The one Cleopatra gave Anthony."
Sales Managers
The salesmen of today who are willing to accept the simple principles of planned selling and breathe into them the life of their own thinking, their own personality, and their own aggressiveness, ar€ the material from which the sales managers of tomorrow will be made.-Albert Russell Erskine.
Be brief-politely.
Be aggressive-tactfully.
Be emphatic-pleasantly.
Be positivi-diploniatically.
Be right-gracio'usly.
What Machines Have Done
A human being who is absolutel y aupena"yfupon his own muscles can just barely keep himself a{iy'under most favorable circumstances; and to raise hindGlf above the animals he must in some way supplement his own feeble strength. Civilization came into existence because certain strong groups of people used the muscles of men and womer1 or weaker groups for this purpose; if there were no machines today there would be no art, literature, 'scierce, leisure, or comfort for
THE AUr"o* *o. ,"ot oA rKtrt
Custorner-I want some consecrated lyV
Druggist-You mean concentrated dye.
Customer-It does nutmeg any difference. That's what I camphor. What does it sulPhur?
Druggist-Fifteen cents. I never cinnamon with so much wit.
CustomerWell, I should myrrh-myrrh. Yet I ammonia a novice at it.
Not what we give, but what we share, \ / For the gift without the giver, is bare; V
Who gives himself with his alms feeds threeHimself, his hungering neighbor., and me.
Just Yearlings I
"Does your son John ever csme back fron\ |4ollywood since he made a success in the movies?" V
"Yes, sir, every year for four years, he's been back to see us.t'
"Did he bring his wife with him?"
"Every year. And you never saw four cuter girls in all your life."