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322 Pacific Mutual Bldg., Loe Angeles

Phone: TRinity 9501

Hone Phonc: VErmont 3102

Stntron Motorless Elestnic Hamiiers

"O.ly the Piston movestt

Y, to 2-tnch Drilling Capacity.

Weights l0 to 2O lbs.

Priced at 1100 and up.

Electrlc lDrllls, All Slzcc

Poctable Gr{nders and Bench T;pec Goncrete Surfacerr

Strand Fledbte Shalts and Equtplnot

EfecGrtc lland Sawc

Sandece . Po[rhcrc . Butters

If e job can bc done with rn dcctric tool,-.m hrvo it

}I. N. THACKABENNT toE Balt 3rd St. Mutud 7508 TOOLS RENTED Lor A4:lcr

(Thc Clcrrring Houte)

This Cohrmn of "'Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for:

The Fellow Who \Mants to Buy

The Fellow Who \Manb to Sell

The Fellow Who \Mants to Hire

Rctc; t2.50 p cofrrntn irncA

The Fellow Who Wante to Be Hired FOR SALE

Planing MiLl Machinery for sale. All modern, neln

3 years ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Lc Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8'160.

Wants Position

Lumberman with experience in Sales-BookkeepingAccounting-Credits-Collections-Etc., open for position. 7 years' experience with Southern California retail and wholesale hirdwood firm. Good knowledge of Sugar and White Pine, Hardwoods and Fir Panels. Age 36. Can furnish references. Address Box C-381. Cal'ifornia Lumber Merchant.

Position Wanted As Retail Manager Or Salesman

Experienced man wishes job as retail manager or salesman. 31 years of age, married. 11 years' experienc-e--in management and sales work, also bookkeeping.Will start at once at a livable salary. References. Address Box C-383, California Lumber Merchant.

WattfPO POSfflOf.l

Lumberman with experience covering that of ManagerSales-Offiss-pe1srnln-desites position. Will go anywhere. Good references. -Address Box C-386, California Lumber Merchant.

Planing Mill Superintendent And Foreman Open For Position

Mill superintendent and foreman open Ior position. Combination man in medium shop. Details-Estimating-Sales -Shop Foreman-Shop Layouts-Architectural Draftsman on small homes or Plan Service. Well recommended from well known lumber companies. I will put your plant on a paying basis if it is at all possible. S4lary $250.00 per month with IO% of the net profits. Box C-391, California Lumber Merchant.


Practical Lumberman with experience, saw mill to consumer in hardwoods, White and Sugar Pine, am now and have been specializing in Industrial and Wholesale sales in Los Angeles and Southern California for number of years. Would be interested in position as sales director or promotion work for well rated lumber company contemplating the establishment of an Industrial department. My knowledge of sources of supply, together with my clientele would be invaluable to the right party. Address E. M., Box C-377, California Lumber Merchant.

Position Wanted By Experienced Lumber Office Man

By experienced all around lumber office clerical man. A-1 references regarding integrity and general qualifications. Address Box C-382, California Lumber Merchant.

Timber For Sale

20 million feet of timber for sale at Crescent Mills, California. One-half Pine and one-half Fir-two miles from the railroad now being built connecting Western Pacific and the Great Northern. Can arrange satisfactory terms. H. S. Hersman, Owner, Gilroy, California.


The current depression offers a relatively better opportunity to the yard with a management that is keen and alert to meet conditions, prune its costs and adapt itself to circumstances. With years of experience to m1' credit I can cope with present conditions if anybody can, and would appreciate an interview. F. W. Blanchard, 3128 Eton Ave., Berkeley, Calif.


Position wanted by man experienced in yard management, bookkeeping and accounting. All or part time. References furnished. Address Box C-390. The California Lumber Mer'chant.


The office of the California Lumber Merchant is constantly receiving app[cations, from both men and women, desiring work with lumber concema. Most of these have had previous lumber e:qrerience.

When you are in need of help of any kind, either office or yard, why not get the habit of calling ur firrt and swing ur an opporhmity to be of service to you as well as to tfiooe needing employment? There is no charge with t{ris seryice, to employer or employee.


BEAUTY, minimum of labor in laying and du.rability arc three important qualifications of Long-Bell trade-marked oak foorAnd, because of these qualities . . . economy! The first-time user is almost invariably a repeat-customer, for experience proves its economy and satisfaction. Builders are finding Long-Bell oak flooring one of the most effective talking points on good construction.

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