1 minute read

West Coast Lumbermen Meet Lt Aberdeen

' A number of matters of outstanding importance to the Northrvest lumber industry at the present time were discussed at the monthly meeting of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, held at the Morck Hotel, Aberdeen, on April 77. This meeting lvas the second of a series to be held in the several districts of the Douglas fir region during 1931.

Subjects brought up for discussion included the following:

The marketing advantages to the individual mill and to the industry in cooperative selling in the Atlantic Coast trade; discussion led by C. H. Kreienbaum, Shelton, Wash.

The need for cooperative action by the industry in the export trade; discussion led by Major E. G. Griggs, Tacoma.

How West Coast mil{s can constructively develop their California cargo trade; discussion led by H. W. Bunker, San Francisco.

Does the West Coast lumber industry want intercoastal lumber rates placed under federal control? Discussion led by W. B. Greelev, secretary-manager of the Association.

The Association is urging all West Coast mills to give the matter regarding the proposal to put water rates under either Interstate Commerce Commission or United States Shipping Board jurisdiction thorough consideration between now and the time Congress convenes. Bills were introduced at the last congress to that effect, and it is expected that action of some kind on the bills rvill be taken when Congress assembles' again.

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