1 minute read


tional closets;" "Build cedar lined closet"; "Install dorm-ers to provide light for finished attic room." And there are 110 other items l-ike these, from building in a broom closet to re-surfacing walls with shingles or siding.

Sample copies of this mailing piece are now being distributed to 6;500 aggressive dealeis who have shown themselves interested in ttre use of such sales material. There is no intention to limit distribution except to those likely to be actively interested. Any dealer not on the .regular list to receiv-e "Lumber F'acts" sales helps, to which this distribution is being made, can nevertheless receive a sample copy upon requlst to the National Lumber Trade Exiension-Department, 702 Transportation Building, Washington, D. C.

In order to make this check list reasonably available to all dealers, the National Lumber Manufacturers Association is furnishing it in bulk lots on its customary part-cost basis. It is a self-enveloped eight-page folder 6 x 9 inches, which spreads out wher opened to a two-page broadside, 12 x 17 inches. In thousand-lots, these can be furnished to dealers with their firm name imprinted on both Folder and Return post card at a cost of. 2t/2 cents apiece, thus affording a high grade of direct mail literature at a price well befow what the individual firm would have to pay for such material, even excluding the cost of art-work, if it were to privately prepare its own mailing pieces.

Merchandising specialists have pointed out that this check list not only covers the high profit lines of the average retail lumbei dealer fully, but comes at an advantJgeous time, when home owners are becoming "modernizing conscious." Friendly contractors, they point out,,will gre"lly appreciate the receipt cf a block of the check lists. eontrictors have generally found business dull and will be glad to deliver the folders personally to persons they consider good prospects.


H. B. Hewes, of Jeanerette, La., and San Francisco, president of the Clover Valley Lumber Co., and director bt the Pacific Spruce Corporation, returned to San Francisco iecently by way of Portland, from a business trip to New York and Chicago.

& OHBISTBNSON LUMBER AND SHIPPING ?th Floor, .A,leska-Commecial Bldg. 31O Sansome Street :: San Franciacr Franciaco


Aberdacn Lmber & Shingle Co., Aberdeen, Wash.

Amqian Mill Cq, Aberdeen, Wash.

Hoquiu Lmber & Shingle Co., Hoquiam, Wash.

Pruper Mill Co., Prosper, Ort.

Raymod Llnber Co., Raymond, Wash.

Columbia Bc & Lmbcr Co., South Bend, Wash.

Hulbcrt Mill Cq, Aberden, Wash.

I*i! milfs & Tlnbcr Co, South Bend, Wash.

J.'A Iffis Shlatlle Cc' SAuth Betld' Wash.


EJ.a Edm Christenson



Jue Cbristensd

Annie Christemn

Sutiu Edwin Chrictenm

Gnya Harbor

Buban Cata

Catherine G. Sud&n

Elanc Chrictem

Dorctby Cahill Charle Chrirtem lway Exchangc Bldg.

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