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Flouse Modernizing Offers ManY Uses for Lumber

Washington, April Z2.-What is said to be the most thoroughgoing and piactical check list of lumber-requiring repailsand improvements that can be made about the averlge home has just been published by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. Printed in three colors on two-toned paper with attractive cuts and attention-compelling catch-lines, this .folder was specially designed to be used as direct mail advertising by retail lumber dealers.

It is a piece of literature bound to get the interest of the average home owner and make him think in practical terms of the odd jobs or remodelings his house requires. A specially printed return postal card, which is enclosed, ma\e_s it east for him to advise the dealer of the items in which he is interested and secure his assistance in estimating costs.

One hundred and trventy-one different repair or alteration items are listed under eleven headings, every one of them phrased so that they can be understood by the houSeholder, as well as the mechanic. The headings include work to be done in the basement, the first floor, the second floor, the attic, the roof, the foundation, the porch, windows and doors, the garage, the grounds outside and the general structural form of the house. They are listed in itemized fashion with sufficient detail for each item to give them a value for the man who wants to "get down to cases" and figure his actual requirements.

The following sample items, one from each heading, will give some idea of the suggestions made: "Alter roof lines for better architectural effect"; "Window caps requiring new material or flashing"; "Cover wall surfaces with more attractive material"; "Repair scuttles, trapdoors or other roof openings"; "Ceil inside of garage" ; "Build trellises, rose arbors, seats and flower boxes" i "Lay wood floor over cellar concrete for warmth and footease"; "Enlarge dining room windorvs"; '(Build seats over radiators"; "Build addi-

Fresno Lumberman Takes Air Trip

W. K. Kendrick, Co.. Fresno. traveled and return April 18. son Billy, who said on this swift mode of travel.

sales manager of the Valley Lumber by air from Fresno to San Francisco

Mr. Kendrick was accompanied by his that both he and his dad are well sold

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