1 minute read
are coatings and plastics made of pure unfluxed asphalt, a colloidal agent and water. When the water evaporates., a film of pure asphalt forms a coating of unchanging permanency.
- on by either brush or spray, the coatings-red, green or black-form an attractive, economical surfacing of asphalt, the finest preservative known against the weather, acids or fumes.
can be put in the profit column by selling these unique products to home owners, roofers, builders and every potential user of roof coatings or plastics.
going after this business we can furnish you with advertising helpsfolders, newspaper ads, direct mail letters or samples. Now is the time to suggest it to the home owner.
market is all around you in your own community. Old asphalt roofs, wood shingle roofs, tin roofs, corrugated metal, flat roll roofs, asphalt built-up roofs-all make up a rich market for emulsion coatings and plastics.
of home owners are not'one-way when it comes to providing a tangible increased value to their horne. Roof coatings not only beautify but add years of service and enhance the property value.