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A. J. Taylor Resigns After Fifty-One Years of Service
A. J. Taglor
A. J. Taylor, veteran district sales manager of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, has tendered his resignation, taking effect May 1, to secure a well-earned rest after a career of 51 years with the Weyerhaeuser affiliated mills. For the past 31 years,' Mr. Taylor has maintained headquarters in Cloquet, in the capacity of District'Sales Manager for the lumber and by-products division of The Northwest Pape'r Cornpany-member of the Weyerhaeuser affiliation.
Mr. Taylor, still vigorous and hale, thus interrupts his labors to make his home in St. Paul, near his only daughter and his grandchildren. Ife leaves the Weyerhaeuser organization with the deep respect and affection of all his many associates, who agree he has amply earned the right to retire-from his labors and enjoy relaxation from his arduous duties.
During all these years, Mr. Taylor's services in connection with sales have been of an outstanding character. He first started with the Rock Island Lumber and Manufacturing Company of Rock Island, I11., in 1879, being hired by Frederick Weyerhaeuser, Sr., to assist in the offi'ce of the sales department. He traveled on the road in Iowa for eight years, selling lumber from Rock Island to Omaha.
From 1887 to 1899, young Taylor was in 'charge of the office and sales of the same company, under J. P. Weyerhaeuser, eldest son of Frederick Weyerhaeuser, then manager. In 1899 he rvent to Cloquet, where he served the Northern Lumber Company, and later the Northern and Cloquet lumber companies jointly, in the capacity of sales manager. Finally, after the formation of the sales company. he became district sales manager for the N'orthern and Cloquet lumber companies. Following the merger at Cloquet that resulted in The Northwest Paper Company, he has acted in the same capacity for it.
In l92l and 1922, Mr.. Taylor's great services to the Northern pine industry were recognized by his election to the oresidencv of the Northern Pine Manufacturers' Associati,on. Mr.-Taylor enjoyed a remarkably wide acquaintance among railway officials and lumber buyers throughout the ,country. For years he handled the sale of lumber down the Great Lakes, from Cloquet to Tonawanda, and was also active in the handling of the large industrial business which meant so much to Cloquet. It was in these fields that Mr. Taylor exhibited his greatest genius in behalf of the Weyerhaeuser interests.
Officers and personnel of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company and its affiliated mills have exhibited their affection and esteem by honoring their retiring associate with a salute and wish for his fullest satisfaction and enioyment of .the years to come.