3 minute read
The New'Gerlinger Fcsfest, Sturdiest Carrier Built
Exhibit Hardwoods at S. F. Boat Show
//Among the most interesting exhibits at the recent San Francisco Boat Show was that of White Brothers Hardwood Headquarters, with yards in San Francisco and Oakland.
White Brothers' exhibit was devoted exclusively to the many varieties of hardwoods used in the boat industry. Among the items shown were hardwood keels, Philippine woods for planking and interior trim, Jenisero for stems and sterns and Primavera, the hardwood used exclusively for the trim in Crocker's palatial new yacht, the Zaca.
Of outstanding interest in this novel exhibit were the ex-
Now a six-wheeled, pneumatic tired straddle carrier that meets all highway load and width regulations.
Built in 51 7 and,9-ton sizes the new six-wheeled Gerlinger carries loade from 42 in. wide by 48 in. high to 57 in. wide to 6O in. high (any lengths), raising them to the extreme height of 28 in. at the rate of 1O in. per second. The powerful six cylinder motor permitE epeedr of 4O to 45 miles per hour; forwards or backwarde-the fasteet carrier on the market. Equipped with four hy&aulic wheel brakes and an independent emergency brake.
AII side-slipping on sharp turns is eliminated by a special steering design.
Each wheel bears its equal share of the load regardless of the contour of the ground.
Steel castings, chrome nickel forgings, chrome vanadium rhafting and gears, roller or ball bearings on all rotating parts and univercal all assemblies assure low operating and mainten- ll'Ianufocturers of all types and sisas of Carricrs. lmples of bends made with Wybrock Indiana Bending Oak. This famous wood is specially selected for its straighi grain and fine bending qualities, and is used extensively-by most of the leading Pacific Coast boat builders.
It will pay you to s€e this carrier before you buy.
Among the exhibitors at the show, the second of its kind to be held in San Francisco, who use Wybrock Indiana Bending Oak exclusively, were Stephens drothers, Stockton; Madden & Lewis, Sausalito; George W. Kneass Company,_San Francisco; United Ship Repair Company, San Francisco, and Nunes Brothers, Sjusalito. The litter rvere the builders of the Crocker vacht.
_ .H, W, Cole, vice-president and general manager of The Little River Redwood Co., returned to San Fraicisco May 7 from a business trip rvhich included visits to porto Rico. and to the company's sales office in Havana, Cuba.
There Is A Reason
Why the largert millr are inrtalli,ng our IMPROVED AIR COOLED RER'SE BURNERS.
WE ARE ABLE to care for your requirements for air cooled and brick lined refirse burnerrnew and rued boilen of aII sizea and lyper.
g @,ribute
Read at the funeral seraices of Peter C. McNeitin h'eld at San Francisco on Ma5t 6, 1930.
The Redwood Industry lost one of its most brilliant and gifted leaders in the death of Peter C. McNe'r'in. California.has lost a real man whose friends are legion. Peter C. McNilvin's character and personality were known wherever lu-mbermen gather, and were such that his acquaintances 'quickly became friends. He controlled the organization, of which he was the head, with the firm ties of love, respect and loyalty. The Golden Rule was the foundation of his policy and his great success evidenced the efficacy of honesty and fair dealing.in the business world. He was an inspiration to his friends and co-workers. None who knew Peter McNevin could resist his appeal. Strong in adversity, unyielding in the face of difficulties, he won the respect of all. With his friends and associates he was kind, gentle and considerate; his loyalty to his friqnds bound them to him and all who knew him join in sympathy with his family at his passing.
Los'Angeles Hoo Hoo to Hold Concat June 13
Carl D. Shufelt, vicegerent snark of the Los Angeles district, has appointed the followin$ to serve on the Nine: Senior lfoo IIoo, Cliff Estes; Junior Hoo Hoo, Ed Culnan; - Bojum, Dee Essley; Scrivenoter, Ed. Martin; Custocatian, George Geary; Ar,canoper, Larry Turnbull ; Gurdon, Russell Edmonson; Jabberwock, Earl Bowe.

Arrangements are being completed to hold a concatenation on the evening of June 13. It is expected that a large .class of Kittens will be initiated. Further announ,cements regarding the concatenation will be made in the June 1 issue.
'Bob Osgood Gets Pilot's License
R: S. "Bob" Osgood, Wheeler, Osgood iornp"ny, Lo. Angeles, received his airplane pilot's license on'April 29, having completed the necessary ten hours solo flying. He made his first solo flight on April 8. Mr. Osgood is president of the Angeles Aero Corporation, which is located at the Los Angeles Metropolitan Airport, Van Nuys. Lindsay Gillis, who is connected with the Sugar Pine Lumber Co., Pinedale, and the Yosemite Lumber Co., Madera, is. associated with Mr. Osgood in the Angeles Aero Corporation and is vi'ce president of the company. In making his solo flights, Mr. Osgood used the company machines.
t'O.ly the Piston movestt
Yz to 2-inch Drifling Capacity.
Veights 10 to 2O lbs.
Priced at f,lo0 and up.
Electrlc lDrlllrr All Slzer
Portabte Gr{nderc and Bench ttr6lcr
Goncrete tufaocm
Str.nd Fledbte thsftt 8nd Equlpncrlt
Electrlc lland Sawr
Sandcrt . Po[3hcm . Bullers