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MORE VALLU E ln everY can r r r
Pabco Muhi-Service Paint is made by an enfirely new secret process which enables us fo produce better paint for less money.
That enables you to give more value fo your customers. And at the same time you make a fine profit. Pabco also means simplified stocks of only a few items-in the POPULAR colors-quick sales-fast turnover.
Our money back guarantee goes with every can. Gef in touch with your iobber or our nearest office today.
A Friend
IAround the corner f have a friend, In this great city that has no end; Yet days go by and weeks rush on, And before I know it a year is gone, And I never see my old friend's face; For life is a swift and terrible race. He knows I like him just as well As in the days when I rang his bell And he rang mine. We were younge,r then; And now we are busy, tired menTired with playing a busy game, Tired with trying to make a name.
"Tomorrow", I say, "I will call on Jim, Just to show that I'm thinking of him". But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes, And the distance between us grows and grows. Around the corner, yet miles away"Ffere's a telegram, sir, Jim died today". And that's what we get, and deserve, in the end, Around the corner a vanished friend.
Frederick the Great said to Voltaire, when that great French humanitarian was fighting the great fight against human torture in Europe:
"Your zeal burns against superstition, but do you believe I I that the world will change? More than three-fourths of \ mankind are formed to be the slaves of the absurdest fana\ ticism. The fear of the devil and of hell is fascinating to thetn, and they detest the man who wishes to enlighten thern-"
And, though today we know that there are a million suns as great as ours, and billions of great stars in the firmament, and a mighty Law and Power that controls them and keeps them in harmony, the words of Frederick are just as true as when mankind believed in a small fat earth with corners, a so'lid firmament above, and sun, moon and stars that were just specks in qhe sky. In that particular direction, man progresses slowly-if at all.
Polly: "Photographers never do me justice."
Molly: "You don't want justice-you want mercy."
Laughter is even more of a mental tonic thpnfi. physical, provided the laughter has mental quality. frfally, laughter is a virtue which has its own reward. Open the windows of your heart; poke the dust and dirt out of its corners; let the sunshine of laughter and good humor into its innermost chambers.
Her Answer
She was taking up physical culture, and the physical director was giving her her first examination before starting work.
"Calf ?"
"Fourteen inches."
ttNineteen inches."
"Well-why not?"
If-a new high school costs as much as five hundred one thousand dollar automobiles, and-
If-it is used by the children of five hundred families for four years, and-
If-it is "as good as new" for the next five hundred families when their children finish the grade school, and-
Remains "as good as new" for sixty consecutive sets of five hundreds families (and it will)-
Then its value to the world is 60 times 500 automobiles; that is, $30,000,000.
And as for the expense of running a high school, it would be less than the cost of running 500 automobiles if the teachers' pay was doubled.
Print that in a hand bill if your city needs a new high school, and see how the moss-backs answer it.-Slices.
A New York paper says the world's best limericks have just been collected and published. That's wrong. The world's best limericks have been collected, but they'll never be published.-Exchange.

San Diego Hoo Hoo Hold Golf Tournament and Dinner Dance
Meryl Bennett
The San Diego Hoo Hoo Club helcl their April meeting on the afternoJn and evening of April 26 at the Rancho Santa Fe. There was a golf tournament in the afternoon, with bridge for the ladies, which was followed by a dinner dance in the evening.
Cy Irving was'the winner of the golf tournament. The first low gr-oss prize went to D. E' Liggett, and Rr S. Orsgood wal the winner of the second low gross priz-e. In the btind bogey, the prize golf sti'ck went to Jean Williams, and golf balls were won by Bob Zumwalt, C. E. Lloyd, R. S. Osgood and "Friday" Freeland. Thirty-five played in the golf tournament.
- The bridge prizes were won .by Mrs. Frank Nolan, Mrs. E. E. McCormick and Mrs. R. W. Reid.
President Meryl Bennett presided at the evening meeting. Meryl Baker, Art Jensen and H. G. Larrick were in charge of the arrangements and entertainment, while Frank Nolan, "Bud" Rinde and John Cooley handled the golf tournament. The Club will hold a dinner and card party in M4y, and in June they are arranging for a lumbermen's prcnrc.
John Farley
John Farley, former lumberman, died in an Oakland hospital from an attack of bronchial pneumonia, Sunday, Mav 3.
Mr. Farley was born in Farley's Mills, New Brunswick, Canada, where his father was for many years engaged in the lumber business. After coming to California he was employed by the Hammond Lumber Co. at .Samoa, for about 15 years, resigning his position there three years ago owing to ill health.

He is survived by his widow, one daughter, Marie (Mrs. Lloyd V. Graham), and three sons, George R., Kenneth, and Jim, who is assistant western sales manager of The Pacific Lumber Company.
Our New Address IDennison Street Wharf
Telephones ANdooer 1077 -1078
We Solicit a Trial Order For Cobbs & Mitchell's DRY
Wendling-Nathan Co. SAN FRANCISCO
Wholesalerc of Douglas Fir Redwood
California White & SW"" Pine
lf you have never had
Let us sell you a car. It can be mixed with any other items of Old Growth Yellow Fir worlced uppers.
Main Ofice: A. L Hoover, Agt San Francisco Los Angeles | | 0 Market St. Standard Oil Bldg.
"Red" Wood ' Scys.'
"In the final analysis Redwood is the most econonical of all building naterials. Ask any Redwood hone owner.