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Advertising Brings Inquiries From All Over World
Company fssuee New Book in Response to Demand for Infonnation About Pine.
A woodworking instructor from New Zealand, a student in the Kobe College of Engineering, Kobe, Japan, a builder from Latvia, a housewife from Peru-these are just a few of the many people in the remote,corners of the world who have answered Shevlin advertising this last year.
preparing for German periodicals a series of articles on the lumber industry in the United States wrote requesting catalogs and information about Shevlin Pine. A lumber grade lecturer in Glamorgan, England, a professor in the Institute of .Forest Engineering, University of. Poznan', Poland, and a Ladies' College in Eastern Canada all requested information about pine.
Copies of the Shevlin booklet, "Specify Shevlin Pine," have been sent to representatives of thirty different occupations in twenty-sii different countries throughout the world. Contractors, builders, engineers, and architects, in Spain, China, Japan, Portugal, Germany, Roumania, Russia, South and Central America, Mexico, Hawaii, and from remote points in Canada have written requesting copies of "Specify Shevlin Pine" in response to the company's advertising.
Company fssues New Book
In order to answer the growing demand of prospective builders everywhere for more information about pine in the home and to furnish its dealers with an authoritative booklet on the uses of pine, the company is issuing a new booklet called, "Pine Homes and Pine Interiors."
The Shevlin, Carpenter & Clarke Companv as a result of lts 1929 advertising has been called upon to furnish information about pine to many widely distributed and diversified places. The Manual T'raining Centre at Napier, New' Zealand, requested samples of Shevlin Pine for its school museum of foreign timbers. An editor in Berlin
Those who have seen the proofs of this new booklet declare it to be a genuine contribution to the literature on pine and its uses. It is an authentic account of the place pine has occupied in American home building'since the Colonial Era down to the present time. The introduction to the book has been written by Joseph Everett Chandler, eminent architect and authority on Early American homes. The booklet will contain exclusive photographs of choice pine rooms both modern and Colonial. Beginning with a photograph of the famous old Fairbanks House built at Dedham, Massachusetts over three centuries ago, there follow photographs of several other equally enduring historic American homes of pine. The use of pine in the American home is traced down to modern times and a great deal of space is devoted to descriptions and photographs of some of the beautiful treatments of pine to be found in present day American homes. These photographs show many rooms finished in knotty pine, pine entrances, hallways, staircases, book nooks, corner cupboards, fireplace treatments, libraries, as well as a number of charm-
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A graceful and exquisitely carved. mantel of Walnut adds a pleasing note of elegance to this room in a home at Piedmont. Architectural woodwork by Lannom Bros. Manufacruring Company, Oakland, Calif., Licensed Manufacturer No. 33. H. O. Alden. archirect.
House Again Refuses Tariff , flMoods Get Publicity at S. F. on Lumber and Shingles V B oat Show

Motions to place a 75 cent duty on lumber and a 15 per cent ad valorem duty on shingles were rejected by a large majority rvhen these items again came up for discussion in the House of Representatives Mav 2. This action was^due to the effettive ,coalition of the Democrats and Progressives, who disregarded all arguments of members who sought to protect American lumber and shingle manufacturers.
H.T.Didesch Goes to Oakland
H. T. Didesch, for the past six years managing director of the Millwork Institute of California with headquarters at Los Angeles, has gone to Oakland where he has taken charge of the local activities of East Bay millwork group. He took over his new duties on May 5. His address will be 213 Francis Blake Building, 926 Broadway, Oakland, California.
Valuable publicity for certain woods was obtained through the display by the Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Company, San Francisco, of Clear Port Orford Cedar airdried boat planking, Clear Vertical Grain Spruce boat stock, and Clear Sugar Pine pattern lumber in the Sea Scouts Industrial Exhibit at the Second Annual Pacific Coast Boat Show, held at the Civic Auditorium, San Fran,cisco, April 23 to 30.
J. C. Ferger and Mrs. Anne Thorne, both of Fresno, were married on April 25. They spent their honeymoon in the Santa Cruz Mountains, Southern California and Old Mexico, returning to Fresno on May 10. Mr. Fergcr is well known to the lumber fraternity of the State and has been connected with the lumber business in Fresno for the past twenty-four vears, where he operates the Swastika Lumber Company.