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How Lumber Looks
While the fir cargo rhipments for the past week amountcd to but 1 per cent above new burineo booked, thcre reertrs to be more lumber being offered at the present writing than has been on the market for some time past. Thit rcfen to commons mainly, of courre. There is no question but that the market has weakened, and the general opinion ir that it has been caused alone by the persistent holding up of orders by the dealers. Cutting orders, untit thi fint of last week remained at the same prices, however, in the lart few dayr, the mills have shown a tendency to look with more interest at specifications containing good arnounts. Green clears, flooring and ceiling are as Ecare ar ever, and there does not seem to be any indication of relief on these commodities. This stock is not offered twice, and about the same condition holds on green lath. The price is the same as of two weeks ago, with shipments light and the dea[ers buying readily. The advance of about twenty-five centson shingler did not seem to affect the demand any, and s ome mills are predicting another raise.
May will be a big month for lumber receipts in California, up to the night of the 26th one hundred and six boatr with 127r0O0rO00 feet of fir and redwood had docked at San Pedro, and at San Francisco up to the night of the 25th, there had bedn twenty-five cargoes with over 16,0OO,O0O feet. From last reports, the Soutfiern Pacific Company will have their main line open agfi about the first of June, rince the burning of the tunnel at Kennett, on the Shasta Route, rail rhipments have been seriouely tied up.
The West Coast Lumbermen's Association report for the past week shows a better condition on t'heir sales rheet. New business amotmting to 98,000,0O0 feet, which is but 6 per cent below their production of 104,000,0fi) fect.
The California Redwood Association's reporting rnillr manufactured over IOTOOO'OO0 feet during the week, and their saler amounted to a little over 8r(XX)r(XX) feet, which h well over their normal production.
Saler of the Southern Pine A*ociation dropped about eight million feet, while their production and shipmentr remained practically the same ar the week before.