1 minute read
"Get It lVhere lhey've Got lt"
is an old and timely remark which might well be applied to this concern, with regard to Douglas Fir. Surely, no other concern is as well equipped to supply the supplying of the lumber trade of California as ourselves.
Consider the following list of essentials which we use in supplying California with its lumber:
3 Big Modern Fir Mills in Oregon
I Big Creosoting Plant in Oregon Biggest Lumber Steamer Line on Pacific
Big and Splendidly Organized Purchasing Department in Portland K""ptttg Directly in Touch With Supply from Hundreds of Northwestern Mills.
Add to this our big and efficient distributing and SERVICE SELLINC organization throughout California and you find dn ?rrangement for supplying California's needs that challenges competition.
An active, efficient, intensely practical executive department gives its direct attention to the co-ordinating of these excellent units.
This all means something to YOU.