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"He Started To Sing As He Tackled the Thing;tBg Jacft
Right in the front of my rcrap book there is a little rhyme that redly rhould be on ltage one of every thinking man'8 scrap book. lt's the fint rtanza of a poem by Edgar Gueet, and it runr like thir: "Somebody aeid that it couldn't be done' And he with a chuckle replied, That 'maybe it couldn't'but he would be one Who wouldn't say ri till he tried. So he buckled'right in, with the trace of a grit On hb face. If he worried he hid it" He started to sing, as he tackled the Si.g, That couldn't be done, and he DID IT."
Fine stanza that. Good enough to make its author famous even if he hadn't written anything elre. It would do the avqage rnanl a whole lot of good if he would read t'hat over every morning, before he rtartdl ort trfng to do thinep.
Mort of us need just that sort of ctuff to re-cherge our mental and phycical batteriec. It's a fact that the world owec dl itr onw*d inryhuee' all its eubrtantid progrcs in worthwhile thingr to men ill at ease; men who are unwilling to follow in the footrtepr of otterr, and l$ume that thooe are the ONLY footrtepr to follow; men rmwilling to admit that better thingr cantt be done, ttan thore we ree done every day.
And the crux of the stanza-the acme of that excelhnt philorophyic this; "He started to sing, as he tackled the thing." SURE! That's why he DID lT! If he'd rtarted it in fear and trembling, he would only be asotter in the rankr of tbose who said rhat t'it couldn't be done.tt
It'r a blersed thing to understand the rplendid and inrpiring fact that whet another can do, YOU can do alro, if you'll just make ar gpod'an efrat as HE.did.
The Man of Galilee once said-handling mankind a glorious Declara' tion of Independance from limitation-ttlf a man rhell believe in me, the works that I do chall he do "l"o; yu", and greater works than these rhall he do.tt
^And if we rurderstand that we have a right to do greater workr than ttE dld, rurely we can "atart in to ring aa we tackle the thing" of doing OUR work a little better than others have done it in the pest.
Irn't it reaconable?
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