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30 Years in building use
For nearly a third of a century Compo-Board has been used as a building material. The tegt of time has proved its big, outstanding advantages as a wall board.
Thc only wall board made that has the combined featurer of ( | ) great atrength (2) resistance to moisture and frost (3) inaulation from heat and cold (4)adaptability to ANY dss6latien-wall paper, paint or kalsomine.
A bigger rnrket and more uaea arc the recultc of the wide, practical adaptability of Compo- Board. For new buildingr, remodeling, covcring old plaeter walle, partitions, store firtures, and many otfier purposes in homes, offices, factoriee and farms-in fact, wherever extra strength, stiffness, eaae of handling and climate-proof protection is wanted.
Compo-Board doeg not "hip or crack, warp, lhrink, buckle, or pull away from ttre nails. Look for the wood corenone ot{rer is genuine. We have a largc, complete stock always on hand. Qgick rhipmentr.
C. G. Atkinson, of P,ortland, Oregon, was a recent business visitor in Los Angeles an.d San Francisco. He was accompanied by Mrs. Atkinson, and they came to look over the California field and to visit their son Robert Atkinson, who is employed by T,he Patten & Davies Lumber Co., at Los Angelis.-
Mr. Atkins,on is Sales Manager of the C. D. Johnson Lgrybe1 Company of Portland, which is the markeling end of the Pacific Spruce Corporation, also of that city. They have just completed the final work on their wonderful new milling plant at Toledo, Oregon, located about 100 miles south of the mouth ,of the Columbia River, on tidewater on Yaquina Bav, and the first cargo of lumber from that plant has just come to California on the Hart-Wood steamsh'ip Robert Johnson, and unloaded 1,800,000 feet of spruce for box making, at San Pedro. There will be regular shipments of J,ohnson spruce to California from now on.
The new plant at T,oledo is of the latest and most modern equipment, and is ,planned to manufacture 4O,0CO feet of lunlber every working hour, makin.g it one of the biggest tidewater mills of the Pacific N,orthwest. It is now cutting Spruce entirely, but in a short time will begin to cut Douglas Fir also, and will then manufacture from 30 to 35 per cent Fir and the re'mainder the finest of, Sitka Spruce. They have 25 yearc timber supply already for the big plant, own their own big tugs to handle their logs and lumber in the nort,hwest, and are wonderfully equipped.
C. D. Johnson, head of the company, was formerly President of The Frost-Johnson Lumber Co., of St. Louis, one of the biggest of Southern Pine manufacturing concernst and for many years Mr. Atkinson was a leading figure in Southern Pine rnaking and selling Ior 25 years before coming west.
We have a peint propolition to livc hmber dealen, who derire to handlc paint! of quality and backed by rcrvice.
Our materidr arc ma& for pcoph rrrho know urhrt good pdnt will do to improvc thc ecccpt"bility of thcir lumbcr.