1 minute read
Fun, Facts and Filosophy
FRoM A soN *"?Xt1fi"r""r" rN FRANCE ro
It has been more than four years since t,he big gurns ceased firing on the western front, but {rom time io iime out of the pages of the unwritten history of those eventful days something especially fine comes to ihe surface. Leslie San,ders was a young man who went to France, but did not return. After he was killed there was found among his effects, t'his letter to his father:
"There is no need of many words. I want first, to thank you as your son. You have been to mre the be,st father a fellow could wish. I want to thank you for the gift of a clean tan,d vigorous and healthy body, straight limbs and thews that could serve our country in her need. For the gift of a discern,ing mind, thank ybu. For the long years of self-denial that made my education possible, for the guid' ance and teaching that has kept me straight in the days of my yotth; for the counsel and help ever freely proffered when I asked; for all noble things in your example,'again and most earnestly, I thank you. Secondly, as to my death. Inasmuch las we be men together, there is little need for words. I am proud and glad to be one of those who, in their bodies, pay the price of our aountty's:honor. And, though in your heart there will be sorrow, you will also be glad, and'you will not grieve over' much. All good things be unto you. May the coming years bring wider fields of service, honor, and honorable work, strength and wisdom to perform it, and in the end peace, and contentment, and quiet rest. Your son, a soldier, salutes you ! Farewell !"
Not Familiar
He was applying for a job as mule teamster. The boss asked, "Mose, are you fam'iliar with mules?" "No suh," replied Mose positively, "Ah knows too much bout mules t'git familiah wid'em." He got the job.
If I Should Die Tonight
If I should die tonight
And you should come to nry cold corpse and kneel Clasping my bier to show the grief you feelI say if I should die tonight
And you should come, in deepest grief and woe, And say, "Here's that ten dollars that I owe;" If I should die tonight,
And you should come to my cold corpse and sayWeeping and heartsick oer my lifeless cJay; I say if I should die tonight, And you should come to me and there and then Just even hint bout paying me that tenI might arise the whileBut I'd drop dead again.