1 minute read
It's the Service That Counts After All -&f,,,* fu"92
Bg Jach Dionne
It isn't the COST of the home that you seil, Nor the stuff out of which it is made: It isn't a question of "does it look well?" Or whether the colors will fade; Nor the modern conveniences you have "built in," Nor the paper you've hung on the wall; But the real thing is, did you SERVE WITH A GRIN ? It's the SERVICE THAT COUNTS after all.
It isn't a question how long it will stand 'Ihe rigors of snow or of rain; Or the roofs or the walls or the,entrance so grand, Or the sash. or the door, or the pane: It isn't the paint, 'or the finish or floor, The bath. breakfast nook, or the hall, But there's one thing that matters each day, more and more, It's the SERVICE THAT COUNTS after all.
It isn.'t the place where you hang up your hat, Or the open air porch where you rest*, When sleeping time comes; and it isn't the mat That says "welcome" and you know the rest. It isn't the color, the shape or the style, That makes Mr. Home Buver fall: But there's one great big thing tirat just makes them ALL smileIt's the SERVICE THAT COUNTS after all.
'fhere's many a rrlan that sells "quality stock," ,In shingles, and millwork, and lum'ber; Who still would requ'ire a dynamite shock, To rouse him from ,deep business slumber. Dig up new ideas, and keep up your "pep,", Do your trade's business thinking-don't stallKeep hustling- keep smiling-work hard-watch your stePIT'S THE SERVICE THAT COUNTS AFTER ALL.
Wc rolicit your inquirier-alro Cdifornia Rcd and White Ftr Dimencion Stock.
Alro ovcrything in Dougler Fir Lumbcr "Univcrrity Brend" Shinglo lrc our Spccidty.