1 minute read


Oak Flooring

The Finest Manufactured

ia priced ar low as .ny on the markel

This combination of highest quality and lowest price cannot be equalled.

The perfict manufacture, high grading and uniL":f_Cgr together with the loi pr-i.., m-akes pERFECTION the most economicaf anj satisfaciory Oak flooring obtainable on the market today. Write or wire us for prices.

HARDWOOD HEADQUARTERS sth & Brannan Sts. San Francirco

Northern California dirtributors of PERFECTION OAK FLOORING

This Trade Mark

on a wire bound bundle of MAPLE, BEECH, BIRCH, OR OAK

Hardwood Flooring

Identifies a "Grand Rapids Made" product that is as noted for its careful manufacture as the fine firrniture which has made the city famous throughout the world.

Senil vour inouiries to lhe manufacturers.

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