1 minute read
The Richardson Company Roofers
The Richardson Company's Mills at Lockland, Ohio
Lloyd A. Fry, Vice President and Western Sales Manager of The Richardson Company, famous makers of high quality roofings, is a bu,siness visitor in California at th,e present time. He makes his home and headquarters in Dallas, Texas, and {rom there handles the entire western territory. Mr. Fry is one of the "keenest cutters" individually in the roofing game, and he is looking over the California building situation, and talking to the building people, with much interest.
The Richardson Company has its headquarters in Lockland, Ohio, and operates big roofing plants in that city, Melrose Park, Ill. (a suburb of Chicago) and New Orleans, La. They supply the State of California directly by rail from New Orleans, and also plan water shipments to California from that plant. They also operate a great slate quarry and plant in Barstow County, Georgia, near Fairmount, where they prod,uce their own crushed slate for t'heir roofings.
The Richardson Company was founded in 1858 at Lockland, Ohio, by the grandfather of J. M. Richardson, present President of the company. This first plant turned out 1,000 pounds of roofing in 24 hours. In 1868 a .corporation was formed, and larger manufacturing plants were installed. The Lockland plant is now one of the biggest roofing plants in the country, and the plant at Melrose Park, Ill., built several years ago, is one of the largest in the uAorld. The plant at New Orleans, La., was com,pleted only during the Iast six months.
This firm has built its reputation 'on high grade, quality roofing, and is very proud of that fact. Its slate com€s from its own big quarry and plant in Georgia. Its asphalt comes exclusively {rom a tertain portion of Mexico, and undergoes the most rigid tests.
The Richardson Company makes a specialty of Flex-aTile Housetops, Viskalt Me,mbrane Roofs, Viskote, SuperGiant Shingles in blended colors, Lok-Top Asphalt Shingles, an'd Rubbertex Roll Roofing.