4 minute read


Thikbut Strip Shingles and New Method Roll Roofing

Hunn ARE two exceptional products that offer big profit possibilities to lumber dealers throughout the WesL...lhe new Pioneer-Flintkote Thikbut Ship shingles are the greatest advance in shingle making in years. They are double thick on the exposed butts.lhere is no other shingle as smart as beautifuL as durable, at anywhere near their cost. They are attractively packaged. New Method Roll Roofing iswell known as the finest roll roofing money can buy. It is super-safurated for longer life; it is of built-up construction, giving IOO/o greater protection. Rolls contain 116 sguare feet, allowing 4-inch lap joints instead of usual 2-inch. Joints are double cemented and double nailed. You should feafure these two exceptional products. They are nafural sellers that will increase your business and swell profits.


Philippine Mahogany - Philippine Hardwood


Los Angeles, Calif.


Edd Middleton, vice-president, Anderson & Middleton Lumber Co., Aberdeen, \il'ash., is spending a month with his family at Claremont, Calif.

When in San Francisco he called on J. E. (Eddie) Peggs, Northern California representative for lris ,company, and has also conferred with Don R. Doud, Southern California representative, in Los Angeles.


H. D. Chadbourne, owner of the Salinas Lumber Company, Salinas, left recently with a family party headed by his father and mother for a three months' trip to Europe.

Mark Campbell Vtsits Caltfornta

Mark D. Campbell, vice-presigfeng..of Campbell-Moore Lumber Co., Portland, Ore., spent a few days of the last week in May i*$e-San FranciscoBay district and Penin;:[,:T:',",'J"ffi1:;,:,"fllH,].'t"'l'"'o''hiscom-

Mr. Campbell u,6 on his way back to Portland from a five weeks' business trip through the East.


sAcRAMeNrd"ifi'; LUMBER co.

MiIl at Kyburz, C.etif.

Sugar And Ponderosa Pine

Southern California Repre*ntative TY.


438 Chanber of Comnerce Bldg. Lor Angeler Phone PRocpect 9136

Make Trip To Northwest

H. Sewall Morton of Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland, and Mrs. Morton returned June 10 from a two weeks' business and pleasure trip to the Pacific Northwest. They were accompanied on the trip by Joe Rogers of the Square Deal I'umber Co., Salinas, and Mrs. Rogers. The party went as far north as Seattle, traveling north by the Redwood and Roosevelt Highways and back by the Pacific Highway.

Buy Santa Cruz Yard

James M. Maddock, Glen A. Karnes and E. J. Schribner completed purchase of the Sunnyside Lumber Coman;r, Santa Cruz, on June 8, and opened for business June 9 under the name of San Lorenzo Lumber Company. The yard is located at 474 Soquel Avenue.

Young Lumberman Arrives

There is rejoicing in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. McCune, Los Angeles, over the arrival of a fine baby boy, John Conner McCune, on May 28. Mr. McCune is associated with J. H. Baxter & Company, Los Angeles.


*Advettieenentc appear in alternate iscue.

Acne Spring Sash Balance Co., The-----------1O

Anerican Lumber & Treating Co. --------------- 4

Baxter & Cr., J. H. ---------------f6

Booth.Kelly Lumber Co. -------,------

Brookmire, Inc.

Cadwallader-Gibron Co.' Inc. --------------------- 7

California Buildero Supply Co. ----------------------12

California Panel & Veneer Co. ------------------11

California Redwood Arrociation ------------------

Ycrr Singlc Copicr, 25 ccntr

How Lumber Looks

Ninety of the largest cities in the ten Vestern st t€s and British Columbia rep-rted total building permits of. $t9ro30r99.2, in May against fl0;90t962 in May, 1975, a gain of $Erl2E,OrO, ot 7+i/zfla, according to t{re Vcstern Monthly Building Survey prepared by H. R. Batet & Co., Califotnia fnvertment Banking firm.

Thece cities reported a totd of. 9167O permio compared with 8269 in May of last year.

The 25 cities repotting the largest volume of permite fur. Mayr 193S reported an increase of lTVo over April and 101.6/e ovet May, ti)5. Total permir of there 25 citiq in May' 19361 amonnt to $15r826i41 compared wrth $1-rr5272El ia APtil' 1936, and $?,a2\szg in May, t93s. Permir in May of thir group weure- $2,29E;960 larget than April nd $795a|712latget than May, 1935.

The g;rin was primarily due to improwcmcnt rcgistcred -by Loo Angel6, Spol<anc, Varhington, and Glenddc. Loc An' geles continued itr senrational rccovety in building activity, ieachitrg the highert lcvcl in reveral yearr. ft was follo'rucd by San Ft-ancirco, conrirtently retaining recond place: Spolanc tanted third and was followed by Glendale, Long Beach' San Di.go, Oakland" Vancotrver, B.C. Po'rdand and Albuqungu?: 1lre following citicr repoted incrtJasd in llay ovcr April and May, 1g35i Loc Angdeq San Francisco, Spokanc; G-lcn' dale, Long Beach, Vancotrvet, B. C., Aubuquerqucl San Bcrl nardino, Salt Lake City' San Jose, BaLetsfield, Alameda, Bur' lingame, Palo Alto, Picdlon-t'* and Boise.

The West Coast Lumberments Association tePoftr that pro' duction continues on approximately e level with the outPut re' ported for previous weeks, with otders rcfecting the effect of ihe holiday- during the week eniled May 7o. A total of 200 dorm and'opetating milb in WashinEon and Oregon which reported to ihe Asociation for the week endcd May 30 pro' duced 1t1,976,129 fie.t. The new burincss taken by these

Wolmanized Greosoted LUilBER

Pressute Treated tot Pertnaneflce mills was 8Erl50r79t feet, and shipmentc were 10610791401 fect The unfilled order file at these mills stood at 419,080,911 feet

111 mills reporting to the Vestern Pinc Association for the week ended May 30 gave new business aa 6312071000 feet, ship. ments 5Er457rfiD feeg and production72r996r000 feet. Orden v.ete 13.4 pcr cent belo'rv productioq and 8.1 per cent above shipmenu. Shipmentc were 19.9 per cent below production. Ners on hand at the end lf *. weck totaled 249,6O4,OOO f.et.

The Califomia Redwood Asrociation for t{re week ended Mray 30 tepofted production frocr 13 mills ar EJ34r0@ feet, rhipmenti Er460,O00 feet, and new business 6A39rNO feeL Orden on hand at the end*of {re w*ceL totalcd 43,909,(XX) fect.

The California market chowcd very little change in the part two weekr. Fir rtockr were bought vety heavily a few months bach and ar rhipmentr aae nory ardving, yard bulng har dowed up. Reailetr report businerc good.

Iarmber cargo arrivdr at Los Angeles harbor for the week cnded Junc 6, Fir and Redwood combined, totalcd 21,945rOAO fcet ar againrt ztrr&rM feet for the previous wcck. Lumber cargo receipts at Los Angeles harbor for the firrt fivc months of the year were 30610071000 feet, a gain of ovcr 1(X! (X)0,(X)0 fect for t{re rane p"ri"d last year. E2r962r0i00 fcet er. rivcd at thir poat during the month of Man almoot doublc that of May lart yeaa

The Rcdwood industry reports a good volume of buriners. The Vectcrn pine rnills report a good demand for Ponderoca yard ctockr with pricec fir:ar, and selectr are rtrengdrening duc to a scarcity of these itemr; there is still a good demand for No. 2 common. The Sugar pine madret is firm.

Delay in the settlernent of the logging industry,r dispute in the Columbia River basin may regult in the shutdown of more mills due to a log chomage.

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