1 minute read

Kindlv Competition is Strictly Modern

By Jack Dionne

Kindly, friendly, tolerant competition is a product of our modern civilization that was unknoqrn in thc earlier days.

The hietory of the world shows that until a few short decades ago thc hurnan mentality could not co'trc'eive of friendly tolcration of a competitot.

The old God.c, the old kings, the old nations, all conceived it to bc thgrr {uty to dcctroy thcir courpetitcns' or make thero iheir oubjects. Thalthere was rooqr for dl-that the world mighl thlve on compaition-that men and thingc would develop coopcratively-was too great for theit narrow comprehensiolr.

Even the God of fsrael descdbes himself innurncrable timec thtoughotrt the Old Testament as e r(Jealouo God."

Tale the history of cities. Throughout the back agres, no city letieved jt go-ul{ live, if another- gFeat crq pt*po"d. Cato w"it io C"rti.g" as ai ambassaa*, -i h" *"" "l-i-pte.rcd with the Prosperity and. Power of 'C";il;;.hJL b;" obserid with the idea that for Rome t9 lir,", Carthage must die. He made his etetnal ri"g"" -th. worde, ,,pelenda-est Carthaget" (Carttage must be destroycd.) fie used it in all addtesses to the Sfi; ."a ,".ft! p..pt "f Rome, .rrrtil h. biotrght ibout wat, and Cirthlge wen wiped froar the face of the eatth.

Cato did not realize that Carthage was helping civilize t{re world, and that through civilization the wotld would become better, and Rome would become better.

Ve have lumber merchants today with the Ceto instinct, who think their only hope of ProePetous bueiness is by cutting the thtoat of all competition.

They, like Cato, and like the ancient thinkerd, are merely behind the times. Their thotrghb, and methode, are etill in the dark ages.

Cooperation and compaition--Soth are necesEary in this day and age.

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