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Lodi Lumber Company Stages FireTests
Much interest was shown in the recent tests performed by the Lodi Lumber Company, of a patented fire-resisting paint that is being handled by this company.
We quote from a letter received from Mr. D. A. Fraser, manager of the Lodi Lumber Company, in which he explains the results of the interesting experiments.
Severa.l days prior to the demonstration we sent ,out announcements to all the members of the California Retail Lumbermens Association, Sacramento Valley Retail Lumbermens Association, San Joaquin Valley Lumber Association and the Central California Retail Lumbermens Association as well as a number of Wholesale Lumbermen. Having seen the paint demonstration before we were convinced of its merit and thought it something worth every Lttmbermans consideration, particularly in view of the issue against Shingled Roofs, which we were all so interested in last Fall. The test we held was a success in every respect, in fact exceeded anything we had hoped for. Our only regret was that there were not more Retail Lumberme:r and architects present.
We built two small buildings of Oregon Pine Lumber, and roofed same with Cedar Shingles. These were placed side by side-about six feet apart. Building No. 1 was palnted with two coats of a standard brand of ordinary paint and building No. 2 was painted with fine resistant paint, about half ,of the surface lvas given one coat and, the remainder given two coats, both wet and dry which reallv gave the paint a "four-way" test. Excelsior and straw was placed on the roofs of each, held in place by poultry netting, and good sized piles of excelsior were placed within the buildings and around the base on the outside. , The excelsior on each building u'as saturated with keroseneabout two and one half gallons on each-after which the Fire Chief, Insura;rce men and the general pubtic satisfi. themselves of the genuineness of the test.
The buildings were then "touched off'and they immediately were a mass of flames as a very strrrng wind was blowing. The wind carried the flames from building No. I to the walls of the other building. It was estimated there was a heat of over 3,000 degrees from this source alone against building No. 2. Both buildings burned fiercelyfor a while it looked as though the No. 2 building must surely be consumed. This was :rot the case, however, as tihe flames died out as soon as the inflammable ,material had burned out, while building No. 1 was reduced to ashes in a very few mrinutes.
The Lodi Lumber Company advertised this experiment heavily prior to the date set for the tests, both by circulars to the trade and display, advertising in the local n'ewspapers. A great crowd witnessed the event.
Perfection Brand
The Finest Manufactured
is priced as low ar rrry on tte rnarkeL
This combination of highest quality and lowest price cannot be equalled.
The perfect manufacture, high grading and uniform color, together with the low pricel makes PERFECTION the most economical and satisfactory Oak flooring obtainable on the market today.
We have a paint proporition to live lumber dealers, who decire to lrandle paints of quElity and backed by rervice.
Our materials are made for people who knorv what good paint will do to improve the acceptability of their lumber.