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For Lumberrnen Who Want to Improue their Competitiae Position, and ta;ke a Larger Volurne of Aaailuble Business at Good Profi,t Margins
Evety day in California and across the entire United Statec TECO Timbet Joint Connectors are opening wide, and hitheto unexplored fields of potential profit for progressive, alett lumbermen.
By incrtasing as much as 1(X) petcent the structutal eficiency of timber framing and utilizing less,matedal more efr.ectively, TECO connectors are producing strorger, lighter buildings at substantially reduced cost.
Lumber may now be uscd in manY types of structures not Previously consideted by lumbermen and its competitive position for heavy structural purpooes is being elevated to a new importance.
Despite their tremendously important contribution to structural engineering TECO connectors are simple, inexpensive and eacy to install. They set up a iimplified and improved system for designing timber structures. As opposed to the troublesome centralization of stresses in ordinary bolt and .plate constiuction, TECO connector-built joints decentralize and spread loads evenly over the entire cross section area of joined members, which permits the use in design of the full allowable working load of timbers and eliminates oversizing and overdesigning to obtain safe bearing areas around bolts.
The traditional assembly of heavy and expensive labor-consuming iron and steel straps, angl6, plates, rods, hangers, etc., need no longer be associated with timber framing.
TECO connectors are owned, manufactured and sold everywhere by the Timber Engineering Company, 1737 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D. C., a subsidiaty of American Forest Products Industries, Inc.
Since design factors for TECO construction differ from commonly known practice for ordinary bolt connected structures, the Timber Engineering Company maintains a competent stalf of engineets and wood technolqgisg to serve and assist lumbermen, architerts, and engineers in the preparation of plans calling for TECO connectors. All portions of working drawings calling for the use of connectors are checked by the Timber Engineering Company without charge before orders ane accepted.
Wood trusses constructed with toothed'ringr for providing large clear area in store building erected for F. V. \ffoolworth & Company, San Mateo, California.

M. ADAMS Clrmletlon Mua3cr
A. C. MERRYMAN Advcrtlrh; Mrn Sc