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Follows Lumber Business In California 30 Years
This year is Arthur E. Twohy's thirtieth anniversary in the lumber business in California. He started in the lumber business in San Francisco in 1904, and after spending a year there, he went to Scotia where he was five years with The Pacific Lumber Company. He then came to Los Angeles where he represented The Pacific Lumber Company in the Southern California territory for four years, and in 1914 he went into the u'holesale lumber business for himself. He operates the Twohy Lumber Co. with headquarters in the Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles.
New Smoothcut Saw
The California Saw Works has developed a new hallou' ground circular saw which is especially suitable for fine cabinet work and other similar operations where a smooth cutting saw is needed. It is called the California SMOOTH. CUT saw and is made in all standard diameters.
A. E. Wanke, president, Wanke Panel Co., Portland, Ore., arrived in Oakland, June 14, to take charge of the Oakland branch while L. B. Krohn, manager, is on vacation.
Pete Rutledge Visits San Francisco
P. J. "Pete" Rutledge, well known Redwood lumberman, superintendent of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company's sawmill at Eureka, recently spent a few days of his vacation in San Frnacisco and vicinity.
Lumber and Shipping
7th Floor, Alarka-Conuncrciel Bldg. 310 Sanrome Strcct San Francirco AGENTS
Arnericrn Mill Co.
-- Hoquien Lumbcr & Shindc Co.
'.Hulbert Mill Co.
Villepe Hrrbor Lumber Millr
A. S. Murphy, president, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, returned June 27 from an Eastern business trip. Mr. Murphy attended the annual meeting of the Lumber Code Authority at Chicago and Washington.
Visits Sawmill
Henry M. Hink, sales manager, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned June 25 f.rom spending a few days at the company's sawmill at Eureka.
Returns From Washington
C. H. White, vice president and general manager of White Brothers, San Francisco, was back in his office June 25 f.rom two weeks' vacation spent at his summer home in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Makes Fast Trip To Washington
Herb Klass, general sales manager, The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, left June 19 by United Air Lines plane for Washington, D. C., to,attend the meeting of the Lumber Code Authority.
With Sierra Mill
Bill Fairfield is now connected with the Sierra Mill & Lumber Co. at Sacramento. He was formerlv with the Empire Planing Mill of San Francisco.
George Gerlinger, president, Willamette Valley Lumber Co., Dallas, Ore., spent a fe'iv days in San Francisco around the middle of June.
- Aberdeen, Werh.
- Hoquiam, Varh.
. Aberdeen, Varh.
- Raymond, Veoh.
Jene Chrirtenron
Annie Chrictencon
Edwin Chrictenron
Catherine G. Sudden
Eleanor Christenron
Charler Christenron
2fi) Henry BIdg.
Wholesalers and Jobbers
Dennison St. T?had
Oaldand, Calif.
Northern California Agents for BOOTH.KELLY DOUGLAS FIR LUMBER
By Dorothy Gramm, Lima, Ohio
If you can hold your stocks when all about you, Are selling theirs and urging you to sell, And know you're right when other traders doubt you, And tell you that the market's shot to hell.
If you can trust your hunches to inform you When up or down your favorite stock will go; If you find on the tape a sign to warn you When Bethlehem has reached its all-time low.
.If you're content to take a fair-sized profit And let the other fellow have his share. If you can tell how high a stock will rocket And know just when to turn frorn bull to bear.
If you can see a move and play it rightly Or guess what laws the brain trust will concoct, If you can go to bed and sleep well nightly With nerves that are not ruined, or tape-shocked.
If you can use your knowledge, not abuse it. If you know neither losses nor defeatThe stock exchange is yours, to have and use it, And what is rnore you should be given a seat.
More Powerful Than Kings
i Wtt.t a wonderful opportunity an executive in a big buiiness office has to influence the lives of thousands of men and women ! Few professional preachers have as great an opportunity. The great executive is more powerful than kings. From him goes forth an infuence which manifests itself in thousands of homes. A business builder ioday must also be a man builder.-Thomas Dreier.
Not All Looks
Lady Shopper: "I don't like the looks of that haddock."
Fish Dealeri "Lady, if it's l,ooks you're after, why don't you buy a gold fish?"
Boss: "Jim, I o""'r,:":;;1":::- died the other day."
Jim: "Yassuh, Sam's gone."
Boss: "What was the complaint?"
Jim: "Ah nevah hea'd none, Boss, cep'n fum de white folks whut done guv Sam credick."
There is a world-wide shortage of all varieties of executives, from foremen to rulers of nations; that is why the world as a whole is so abominally managed.-W. B. Pipkin.
An optimist is a feliow who takes the cold water that others throw over his enthusiasm, heats it with his own fervor, makes it into stea.rn, and goes driving ahead.

The man who cannot think is an uneducated gardless of how many diplomas he may possess. man re-
Scotch Courtesy
A Scotch soldier was accosted by an officer. "\llf'ho are you?" asked the officer. "I'm fine," replied the Scot; "and hoo's yersel'?"
Many a successful man works like the dickens to get rich and then spends the rest of his life sitting on the porch of a sanitorium watching the healthy poor go by.
No Help
Teacher: "Did your father help you with these problems?"
Pupil: "No, teacher, I got them wrbng all by myself."
Just Common Sense
Sambo: "Hambone, does you believe in clubs fo' women?"
Hambone: "Only as a las' resort, an' den only when de wornan is so big you caint handle her no othah way."
Setab Sales Show Big Increase
One of their recent achievements, the Standard Hex Setab shingle, is having an excellent response from the retailer lumber dealers according to officials of the PioneerFlintkote Company. Three big features in one, they state, is making this shingle a popular seller. These outstanding values are the standard hex design, the Setab sealed edges, and the new clover blend-a beautiful blended green.
The standard hex shaped strip shingle which has always been one of the Pioneer-Flintkote most popular selling designs is the basis of the Standard Hex Setab in the clover
Standard Hcx Setab Shinslc
blend. The edges of the hex strip sealed in with asphalt and heavily coated u'ith crushed rock is an exclusive Setab feature; the thick, sealed edges give a rugged, textured appearance and the "deep shadow line" so sought after. By using the Setab starting strip at the edges, and by simply cutting Standard Hex Setabs or Square Butt Setabs into individual units for hips and edges, all exposed surfaces and edges have an extra sealed in protection making a completely sealed-in roof from ridge to drip edge.
The natural color harmony of clover blend or the crisp freshness of clover green together with the "deep shadow line" makes a delightful combination. Lumber dealers throughout the entire western territory are quickly taking advantage of the sales opportunities offered by the Standard Hex Setab Shingles, company ofificials state, and they are meeting with popular favor with the trade.
When You Sell
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the quality of the etock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what thcy'rc buying, and buy . where they know what they'rc getting.
General Saler Office: Eugene, Ore.
Mitls: Wendling, Ore., Springfield, Ore.

Northern Californire
Hill & Morton, lnc.
Dcnniron St. Wharf
Orhhad ' ANdovcr 1077
Southcrn Glifornir
E. J. Stanton & Soa 2050 E. 3ttb st., Lor Angclcr AXridgc 92ll