1 minute read
iltoDEn[l lAlr0il demqnds SETAB N[![!FS
Through the agencies of the Flome Ovrners' Loan Corporation vast sums of money are now available for President Roosevelt's home modernization and remodeling Program.
A large amount of this fund will fow through the hands of lumber dealers and it will mean profit to those dealers who are ready to satisfy the exacting demands of modetni' zation buyers.
People who are availing themselves of this remodeling fund are not chance buyets. They have given their plans a great deal of thought. They want full protection for their homes. Standard Hex Seab Shingles give complete, sealed-in protection fot erty type of roof, and Clover Blend and Clovet Green will harmonize with any colot scheme.
Show these buyers the best that the market ofiers at a price they can afiord. Explain the completely sealed-in roof feature that only Standard FIex Setab can give. Buyers such as trhese easily ruognize merit.
Protected with Pioneer-Flintkote exclusive products, Setab dealers will not feel the stress of competition that will be brought on through the disbursement of the remodeling fund.