2 minute read
Ag" not guar€nteed---Some I
Jack Dionne have told for 20 years---Some less Road Information
The prosperous looking tourists in the big car had been watching for road signs rather anxiously as they drorre along, having passed several intersections they were not entirely certain about, and finally they came upon a long, tall, lanky colored man, leaning on the handle of a hoe at the edge of the cotton patch, and lazily wiping the from his face with a blue checkered handkerchief. driver stopped and addressed himself to the man hoe.
"Boy," he said, "can you tell me how far it is to Plains-
Talks on Money Matters
"De way you'se going?" inquired the darkey.
"What do you mean the way I'm going?" asked the white man.
"Well, Suh, Cap'n," drawled the dark one, with much sweat show of interest; "de reason why Ah axes does you mean The de way you'se goin'is fo' de reason dat de way you'se goin' of the right now hit would be jes' 'bout twenty.fo' hunderd an' ninety-six miles to Plainsville. But if you turns 'round an' goes zackly de othah way hit would only be'bout fo'miles."
Joins Hardwood Firm
Lloyd E. Graybiel, assistant vice-president, American Trust Co., San Francisco, addressed members of the East Bay Hoo Hoo Club at their monthly dinner meeting held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, Monday evening, June 11. He made his subject, "National Money Troubles," very interesting to his audience and at the end of his talk answered many questions.
President C. I. Gilbert presided, and announced that there will be no meeting in July.
An enjoyable program of music was given by a trio of young ladies.
On Eastern Auto Tour
James Maddock, of the Santa Cruz Lumber Co., Santa Cruz.,left June 10 for an automobile tour of the East which will include a visit to the Chicago World's Fair. Mr. Maddock was accompanied by his wife. He expected to be gone about 30 days.
Alexander Parson. one of the best known hardwood lumbermen on the Pacific Coast, has recently become associated with the Jones Lumber Co., San Francisco. The yard of the Jones Hardwood Co. is at 706 Bryant Street. Nelson Jones is president.
With Diamond Match Co.
Wm. A. "Bill" Tice, formerly with Klicka Lumber Co., San Diego, and rvell known in Southern California, is now with The Diamond Match Co. at Marysville.
Mark D. Campbell, rail sales manager, Chas, R. McCormick Lumber Co., Portland,.recently visited the Phoenix and Los Angeles offices of the company on his way back from an Eastern sales trip, and conferred with executives at the home office in San Francisco.
Lumber Code Authority Elects Officers at Chicago Meeting
Chicago, June 1l,-At its annual meeting here today the Lumber Code Authority elected the control committee for the gnsuing year and chose its officers. The membership of the Authority was increased from 3O to 44 to provide for six additional members representing small enterprises, and for representation from important divisions of the industries not now represented on the Authority.
The afternoon session was entirely given over to a public hearing of complaints and suggestions regarding the Code and its administration.
John D. Tennant, of Long.i'iew, Wash., was re-elected Chairman of the Authority and C. W. Bahr, Washington, was re-elected as Secretary and Treasurer. David T. Mason, of Portland, Oregon, was formally elected as Executive Officer to fill the existing vacancy. C. C. Sheppard, of Clarks, La., was elected Vice-Chairman of the Authority.
The membership of the new National Control Committee is as follows: C. C. Sheppard, Clarks, La.; B. W. Lakin, McCloud, Calif.; E. J. Curtis, Clinton, Ia.; A. W. Clapp, St. Paul, Minn.; E. B. Ford, New Orleans, La.; E. W. Demarest, Tacoma, Wash.; H. Dixon Smith, Columbus, Ga.; Floyd Hart, Calif.
The last three named on the list are in the nature of nominations pending necessary changes in the Code Charter, but in the meantime the three gentlemen will sit with the committee.