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Low Cost Redwood Cabin Utilizes Short Lengths

The most interesting exhibit in a model labor camp exposition staged recently in Memorial Hall, Madera, by Dr. Lee A. Stone, Madera County Health Ofificer, was a l$/o Redwood farm cabin, Madera Typ., that has been developed by the Hammond Lumber Company.

This cabin, designed by Roy Matheny, of the San Francisco office of the Hammond Lumber Company, is I4'x24', and is constructed throughout of Redwood, utilizing short lengths pre-fabricated at the mill, at very little added cost over the prevailing prices for the materials. This type of cabin is particularly suitable for farm labor cabins, or can be made in any size for auto camps and for mountain cabins. It is not what is commonly known as a "portable" house, but is a complete, permanent building when assembled.

The cabin is of the single wall variety, very sturdy in construction, and does not show any unsightly studding on the interior. It will be noted that the shadow lines of the building are designed to render it capable of easy decoration both on the exterior and interior.

The Hammond Lumber Company feels that this new cabin represents a definite forward step in house pre-fabrication, and that it offers a real opportunity to the retail lumber dealer. Unlike most ready-cut houses, anyone with just a little building intelligence can erect it without difficulty. Each piece will be plainly stenciled with either a number or letter according to its position in the building, and will be so designated on the plans and details which will be furnished with each unit.

The design complies with the State Housing Com'mission's regulations as to air and window space. The windows in the labor cabin illustrated on this page were located according to recommendation by the Commission, but any arrangement of windows desired may be had without additional cost.

Visits Oregon

H. Sewall Morton, Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland, recently visited Eugene, Ore., to conier with The BoothKelly Lumber Co. He made the trip by automobile, accompanied by Mrs. I\forton, and returned by way of the Roosevelt and Redwood Highways.

The cabin has a Redwood shingle roof, and the foundation is made of 6"x6" laminated sills, which can be used as sled runners in case it becomes necessary to move the building to another location.

Any grade of Redwood may be specified by the dealer, but All Heart grade is recommended.

Redwooil Farm Cabin-Mailera Type

The model labor camp exposition mentioned above has been running for several weeks, and the cabin exhibit which was in charge of C. L. Marsh, manager of the Hammond Lumber Company's yard at Madera, attracted a lot of attention from the cotton g'rowers and other producers whose work requires the housing of itinerant labor and their families.

Back From Northwest

L. C. Stewart, vice-president, Sudden & Christenson, San Francisco, was back in his office June 25 after a lGday business trip to Portland, Grays Harbor, Willapa Harbor and Seattle.

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