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Conditions in the Redwood;lndustry
Bv Sdwvn J. Sharp Colifornia Redwood Association
Reports received by the California Redwood Association show that Redwood production for the first five months of L934 was more than double that of the same period last year and was heavier than for any year since 193O. It is also a fact that a larger number of mills are,in operation than at any time since 1930.
' Redwood shipments during this period were 39/o gredter than for the same period last year. From the seasonal distribution of 1933 shipments and those of 1934 to date, it would take an optimistic viewpoint to conclude that the shipments for this year will exceed those of last by a similar percentage. 1933 started out with very light shipments, the shipments for the first five months amounting to but 27%% of the year's total. 1934 shipments were 25/o less than those of 1933 in the month of May. This was in part, at least, due to strike conditions but this fact, coupled with relative conditions of the order files, indicates that the increase shown earlier in the year will not be maintained in the immediate future. Redwood shipments this year to date have amounted to more than 4OVo of the total for last year so it is probable that the year will exceed the volume shown in 1933.
The decrease in stocks. which has been continuous for several years, extended through January of this year. Gross Redwood stocks at that time were 265 million feet which was only 69/o of the average stocks the first of the ye.ar during the last five-year period. Since that time production has exceeded distribution very slightly. The increase in stocks at mills which had been idle for a long period of time has been greater than the increase in the Industry as a whole, many of the stocks continuing to decrease in volume. There is need for additional increase in the stocks of these long idle mills and need for building up broken items in all stocks. It will, therefore, be desirable to have production in excess of shipments for some time to come.
The following figures are for Redwood only as reported by identical mills representing approximately 87/o of the volume for the Industry:
Production of species other than Redwood by the Redwood Industry has equalled 2O/o of. the Redwood cut during 1934.
\(/egt Coast Shingle Rates Order
An order by National Recovery Administrator Hugh S. Johnson has been annouriced withdrawing a shingle transportation schedule in the rules, under the code for the Lumber and Timber Products Industries, for lumber shipment rates from Oregon and Washington to California cities.
General Johnson's order of February 19, 1934 (which appeared subsequently as Bulletin No. 79 of the Lumber Code Authority) approved appeals, regarding lumber shipment rates, of the Willamette Valley Lumbermen's Association, certain Washington and Oregon cargo and other rail shippers to California, the California Wholesale Lumber Association, the Merced Lumber Co., and the Pacific Coastwise Lumber Conference, from previous rate sheets or orders of the Code Authority. The Administrator's February 19 order set forth detailedly the rules for such ship ments. A sentence toward the end read: "Shingles to be figured at l/I0 of the B.M. rate to arrive at transportation rate per square."
The order announced today deletes that sentence because it has been shown that the matter of transportation rates of shingles was not properly up for consideration in the aforesaid appeal.
Lumber Code Authority Meets in \(/ashington
Washington, D. C., June l9,-Following adjournment of the sessions in Chicago last week, the Lumber Code Authority reconvened its annual meeting here last Friday. Principal discussions thus far have centered on production control, price differentials among the various mill classifications in the Southern Pine Division, future price schedules, production allotments for the various divisions during the third quarter, the question of what properly constitutes a concentration yard, code compliance and the Darrow report on NRA activities.
A formal reply to the Darrow Board's statements regarding the Lumber Code and its administration is being prepared.
Appointed Sales Representative
F. M. (Cappy) Slade of Los Angeles has been appointed exclusive sales representative in Southern California for the "DOUGLAS FIR" brand wallboard and plywood which is manufactured by the Elliott Bay Mill Co. of Seattle. Cappy also represents the Edward Hines Pacific Coast Lumber Co. in the Southern California territorv.

Buys Interest in Retail Yard
Walter N. Baker has purchased the interest of Joe Holmes in the Woodland Lumber Company at Woodland, Calif., and took over his new duties on June 25. He was formerly sales representative in the Sacramento Valley for the wholesale department of the Sierra Mill & Lumber Co. of Sacramento.
California Sales Agentr for Polron Lumber & Shingle Co. Hoquiam, \Farh.
Andenon A Middleton Lumber Co. Aberdeen, Verh.
Prouty Lumber & Bor Company
Warrenton, Oregoa
Operating Steamen
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Veneered Doors
652 South Myerr Street Lor Angeler
ANgelur 8191
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