6 minute read
Ten ftles of Th Years e California Ago Today
Lumber Merchant, July 1 , 1924
Two years old today. This is our Second Anniversary number'
The market report states that from the standpoint of price, demand and general interest, the situation shows improvement. "There is actually a lumber market again, aird practically every item of lumber really has a price once more" is the way one promin*enfwholesaler puts it.
In the leading editorial, "We Are Grateful," Jack Dionne says-"The California Lumber Merchant believes in California, in its present, its tl,uJ.,and its possibilities."
The Los Angeles office of the Chas. R. McCormick Lum. ber Co. had charge of the Hoo-Hoo luncheon on June 26. Among those who attended the meeting were George Lounsberry, Henry Riddiford, Frank Curran, S. E. Slade, E. G. Goodrich, H. J. Mueller, Frank Marmion, T. L. Ely, Henry S. Patten, E. C. Parker, Walter Harris and C. A. Wesson. W. B. Wickersham was chairman of the day.
E. G. Tennant writes on the Los \bermen's Club and its influence in situation.
Angeles District Lumstabilizing the lumber
R. F. Pray of San Francisco discusses market conditions in the pine industry.
The San Francisco Hardwood Club reports an active r ;l€4r. The officers of the club are C. H, White, White Brothers, president; F. Richards, Richards Hardwood Co., secretary, and Owen Gibson, White Brothers, treasurer.
"Redwood During the Past Year," by R. D. Hammatt, is an article wherein Mr. Hammatt discusses "Redwood Service" to the retail lumber dealer.
The San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club met on June 12. Homer Maris was chairman of the day and C. H. White was the speaker
The Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco reoorts much activity.
"The Romance of Sugar Pine," by Henry W. Swafford, E. J. Stanton & Son of Los Angeles, is a very interesting and informative article. rf tt ,*
Ben W. Reed of San Francisco discusses "The Trend of Lumber." *rf*
The California Retail Lumbeimen's Association held their eighth annual picnic at Balboa Park, San Diego, on Saturday, June 21. C. W. Pinkerton of Whittier acted as toastmaster at the Annual banquet; E. L. Bullen of National City was the principal speaker.***
A letter from T. C. Ferger of Fresno, president of the San Joaquin Valley Lumberrien's Club, gi.r"" " resume of the activities of the Club.
Reprinted from the San Francisco Chronicle is the story of the new club house of the Tracy Lion's Club which was built by the members. Herbert C. Schaur, president of the
Tracy Lion's Club, and manager of the Tracy Lumber Co., is shown in his carpenter's working outfit.
Pictured here is William Bawbell, Bawbell Lumber Co., Hollywood, surveying the catch of the year, a. twenty-one inch trout, by his son, Donald, on their recent fishing trip on the Ventura River. ,r( * *
The Lumbermen's Club of Arizona has had a healthful year according to H. S. Corbett of Phoenix who was recently elected president of the Club. He. advises that the Club was organized in 1909, the first meeting being held in Phoenix. The Club was promoted and organized through the efforts of E. E. Young, at that time with the J. Knox Corbett Lumber & Hardware Co. of Tucson. John O'Malley was the first president of the organization..
"That Golden Opportunityl' by Ruth Alberta Brey of the Brey-Wright Lumber Co., Porterville. Miss Opportunity in this instance happens to be the Display Room Service. Miss Brey says-"Ask any lumberman who has added a Display Room to his establishment if he would give it up, and I am sure he will answer*'NO'!"
When the Pioneer Paper Company's new $100,000.00 administration building at Los Angeles is completed, a new note will have been struck*in industrial architectural design.
The Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Inc., have closed their Seattle yard and have appointed Ehrlich-Harrison Co. as their representative in that territory.
Walter C. Ball, J. R. Hanify Co., San Francisco, writes in an article "California and Fir" that California has held her position as the dominating factor in the Douglas fir trade during the past year regardless of the Atlantic Coast demand, export shipments*and other markets.
E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, opens beautiful new ofiFces in which are combined*utility, beauty and s.ervice.
C. Stowell Smith, writing on the activities of the California Pine Association, mentions the inauguration of the Association's advertising campaign and the revamping of the Association's grading rules to bring them in conformity with the American Lumber Standards.
Pioneer Lumber Company, Hollywood, will open a yard at Downey Road and 25th Street, Los Angeles. Orville L. Routt is president of the P*ioneer Lumber Company.
"Rambling Through the Hardwood Business," by C. H. White, White Brothers, San Francisco, is an address that was delivered by IVIr. White before the San Francisco HooHoo Club on June 12. * * ,F
California Door Co., Diamond Springs, Calif., is building five new'kilns, the equipment being furnished by the Moore Dry Kiln Co. of North Po;tl1nd,
Henry Riddiford has an article on "A Little California Association History." The Southern California Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, he states, was org'anized November 5, 1910. Homer T. Hayward was the first president.
Other officers elected were: A. B. Snow, first vice-president; Jacob Hannp, second vice-president; Henry S. Patten, treasurer, and Peter Orban, secretary. The other successive presidents elected were: 1911, John S. Billheimer; L9L2, Frank L. Fox; 1913, Frank N. Gibbs ; L914, Charles P. Curran;1915, C. C. Eymann;1916, W. T. Brown;L9t7, C. W. Pinkerton; 1918, O. H. Barr ; 1919, H. A. Lake ; 1920, A. C. Bowers ; 1921, Wm. T. Davies, and 1922, A. E. Fickling.
Barry Hanawalt was chairman of the Los Angeles HooHoo luncheon on June 12, and at the Club's luncheon on June 19, Clint Laughlin was in charge of the meeting.
A. L. Frost, San Diego Lumber Co. and Frost Hardwood Co., of San Diego, was host to members of the San Diego Hoo-Hoo Club at the San Diego Yacht Club, Coronadq, June 19. Mr. Frost is Commodore of the Yacht Club. Bob Zumwalt, Benson Lumber Co., passed around a large box of cigars, the occasion being the arrival of a baby daughter.
A. B. Wastell, San Francisco, H. L. Rosenberg, Los Angeles, D. A. Williamson, Galt, and Henry R. Isherwood, St. Louis. discuss Hoo-Hoo activities. ***
"Jack Dionne-We Thank You," by Alberta Ruth Brey, congratulating Jack Dionne and the staff of "The California Lumber Merchant."
The Gabriel Lumber Co., San Bernardino, has been purchased by the W. J. Bettingen Lumber Co. Charles Gabriel was head of the Gabriel Lumber Co.
Paul D. Ransom, secretary of the Pasadena Sawdust Club, reports on the Club's activities during the past year.
The membership includes the retail lumber dealers of Pasadena, South Pasadena, San Gabriel and Alhambra. rt * rl.
E. H. Wheat, formerly with the Flagstaff Lumber Co., is representing the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. in Arizona'
Bob Osgood of Los Angeles, who represents the Wheeler, Osgood Company of Tacoma, also celebrates the second anniversary of his locating in California. He made his business debut in t"r f"l.t": on July 1, two years ago.
The June 1 issue of the "Merchant" printed the news that Gus Russell, of San Francisco, had started playing golf. The news was given to us by an alleged reliable source. Mr. Russell promptly threatened us with a libel suit. We promptly replied by offering to allow him judgment if he would agree to split the winnings with us. That discouraged him, and the suit has been settled out of court.
In his letter of expostulation Mr. Russell admitted that, like Chauncey Depew, he is not old enough to take up golf, being still able to play numerous young men's games, doesn't know how to swing a "caddy," etc.
The Strable Hardwood Company entertained the Central California Lumbermen's Club at a luncheon at the Hotel Oakland, Saturday, June L4, after which the lumbermen inspected the Strable*Hardwood Company plant.
The California Redwood Association announces the appointment of Max E. Cook as their Southern California representative. trIis major work will consist of consulting the architects and contractors in*the interests of Redwood.
James Elder of the Saginaw-Manistee Lumber Co., Flagstaff, Arizona, and Miss Alice King of San Diego, were married at the Grant Hotel, San Diego, Saturday, June 21.
The E. J. Dodge Co., redwood manufacturers, announces that their new dry kilns which were inst_alled during_the spring are now operating, and the first shipment of clear kiln dry Redwood has been shipped to the Tracy Lumber Company. In the car was some of their specially selected drain-board stock which was 2x36x72 inches. ***
George I. Williams, Jr., has been appointed sales manager of the Richards Hardwood Co. of San, Francisco. Felix Richards, proprietor of the company, announces that William Schieman of their sales department has been appointed yard superintendent. L. A. White will represent the company in the San Francisco and Coast territory, while Mr. Richards will call on the Sacramento Valley trade.

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