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Inecporrtcd undcr thc lawr ol Callfmla
J. C. Dlonnc, Prcr. ud Trca:.i J. E. Martln, Vlcc-Pru.; rL C. Mcrrynan, Jr., srcy. Publtrhod thc lrt ud lSth of ..ch Eoih rt tr&rt-ze Ccntrd Bulldt.3, lOt Wcet Slxth Stnc! Lo Argalar, CrL, Tclcphorc, VAnd&c {i6S Etrtd.d ar Second-clrrs mlttcr Srptcnbcr 8, lliE2, at tha Poct offic,at br Anrplcr, Callfornle, under Act of Mercb 3, lA7!.
Subrcription Pricc, $2.|Xl pcr Ycar Singlc Copict,25 centr crch.
How Lumber Looks
The California lumber situation shows no change, and the cargo movement of lumber ic still tied up by the longshoremen's strike. President Rooseveltts National Longshorements Board, selected for the purpose of settling the PaJific Coaot stdkg ie in session at San Francisco at this writing and reports indicate that an early settlement of dre strike is looked for. The lumbet trade f.eels very optimictic over the passage of the National Housing Act which is aimed to revive the btrilding industry.
Unsold stocks on the public docks.at Los Angeles Flarbor totaled 72lrO0O feet on June 25. Owing to strike conditione, no report on the cargo lumber is available.
The California Redwood Association reported production for 17 mills for ttre week as 711761000 feet, shipments 7r42OrOO0 f,eett and new business 6r3E4rOO0 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week werc 34r3VOt000 feet.
The Vestern Pine Aesociation for the same week reported new buciness fiot 127 mills at tE,47rrffiO feet, ehipmentc 43A97r 000 feet, and producion 55r132,0fi) feet. rf**:Ng
New business reported by 599 mills to t{re West Coast Lum! bermen's Association for the week ended June 16 was 4Trlotr7O4 f.eet, production 5Or54Or227 feet, and shipments 4tr0tE923 feet. Sales were under production by 7.1 per cent, and shipments were under the cut by 19 per cent. Ordere booked by this gtoup of mille for the week were under the preceding wee& by about 10,(XX),(X)0 feet.
The unfilled order file at theEe mills stood at 481910,064 feet, an increase of approximately 4r(XX)r000 feet over the week before.
491 hardwood mills gave new business for the week ended June 16 as l9r5O8rOOO feet, ot 34 p* cent below ptoductiotrn and shipments were 22J.45.OOO feet, or 25 pet cent below production. Production was 29r756rofi) feet.