1 minute read
Here's the way to get them
One thing that people will want in their posrwar homes is prioacy-and plenty of it! They are tired of wartime conditions-faced with the problem of growing families. YOU, as a dealer, can profit from this desire-because providing greater privacy is a job for woodwork made of Ponderosa Pine. This is pointed out in the new, 3z-page idea book, "Today's Idea House"-which can help putpostwar business on your books right now. help you to sell a bigger volume of stock design Ponderosa Pine doors, windows and frames. Here are a few ideas gleaned from "Today's Idea House".
-lt could baae been an open arcbua1, b u t tb i s b e eu tiftr I I1 pr opor tion ed door oJ Ponclerosa Phte proddes secluion Jor qiliet rest or stad1,. l{6ss also tbe u,ell designed Ponderosa Phte stock design u,indou. htclt tuindotas can be made u,eatber-tig/tt.
-Note bout tbe lozuered doors o/ Ponderosa Pine increase tbe effect oJ restJalness and quiet, yet utitbout sacrifice oJ oentilatiott. Stock ciesign doors and uitdotus oJ Ponderosa Pine u'ill be auailable in designsJor eoerJr need and ptrse,
"fodoy's ldeo House" is full of suggeslions which will inspire your cuslomers lo complete lheir home plonning NOW. This book shows how doors, windows ond fromes of Ponderosc Pine cqn provide more comfortoble qnd more livqble inleriors. Use "Todoy's ldeo House" lo build o bigger bocklog of business-send todoy for your free copy, lhen order copies in quontities for cuslomers. Moil fhe coupon!
Mailing Address: "since 1852"
O. Box 126, VernoP Stcrtion 4940 District Boulevcrd
Pitcher Co.. E. C.---Ponderose ifine Voodwork----------------------I.F.C.
Pope & Talbot, Inc., Lumber Divieion-----------*
Porttand C,ement Arsociation----
Precision Kiln Drying Co.---,----.----- ---..-- ----.----29
Ream C,o., Creotge B.--------------------
Red Cedar Stringle Bureau------------------------------lt
Robbins Lumber Co., R. G.------------------- ----2:2
Ross Carrier Co.------------ --.--
Ross-Terrell Co., The-------- -------2,
San Pedro Lumber Company---------------------29
Santa Fe Lumber Co.------------------------------O.B.C.
Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co.------------ 7
Schumacher Vall Board Corporation---------- t
Shevlin-Cords Lumber Co. ---------------------------- t
Shevlin Pine Salee Co.------------------------------------2t
Sisalkraft Co., The------- ------------19
Smith. Stuart C.------------------- --------------------------25
Southwestern Portland Cemetrt Co.---.- ---------*
Stanton & Son, B. J.---t-^----
Sudden & Chrittenson' Inc.----------------- -------------27
Tacoma Lumbet Sales--- ------- ---------------------lt
Tarter, Web,ster & Johnson, Inc.------------------*
Toste Lumber C-ompany-------
U. S. Plywood Corporation-------------------------- 3
\ffendling-Natlran C,o.----------- -------------------------- 9
West Coast Screen Co.-----
Vest Otegon Lumber Co.-- ----------------------23
Veotern Door.& Saeh Co.--- --- -------------------27 western Mill & Moulding C-o.-----------------------25
\ffestern Flardwood Lumber Co..---*----------O.F.C.
Veyerhaeuser Sales Company ----------------16'17
Vhite Brqthetr-----------.------- - -- ----.---------------------29
\Vholesale Building Supply, lnc.---------------------22
Vholesale Lumber Dictributors' fnc.-------------*
Vood Lumber Co., E. K.-------------------- - -----19
Wood Treating Chemlcalc Co.---------------------- r