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Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Golf 'Tournamant
The I os Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club held a golf tourna.ment and dinner party at the Inglewood Country Club, Ingle_ wood, June 19. 50 golfers took part in the tournament, and 135 were present for the evening program.
Dinner was served at 7tffi p.m. president Roy Stanton presided, and Dee Essley was master of ceremonies. Dorothy Borchers, accordionist, who appears on several radio programs and has attended many Hoo-Hoo parties, entertained with musical numbers and songs. The popular Dorothy has been chosen Sweetheart of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club. The Lady Killer,s euartette, who appear in motion pictures and are well known night club .rrt.r_ tainers, sang a number of songs reminiscent of the.Gay Nineties. They were well received and were called bacl for several encores. Dee Essley lead the gathering in group singing accompanied by Miss Borchers on the accordion and I. S. Brown at the piano.
Bob Osgood presented the prizes. Jim Read won. the first door prize, a 25.00 war bond; the second prize, $10.00 in war savingg stamps, was won by D. D. McCallum; and W. O. Bullock was the winner of the th|r:d prize, $5.0O in war savings stamps. Robert A. Forsyth had the lowest Hoo-Hoo number among those present and was presented with 910.00 in war savings stampg.
Al Gavin shot the low gross in the golf tournament with a score of 78 and was awarded the Roy Stanton trophy and $lO.0O in war savings stamps. Curt McFadden was the low net winner in the first flight, and received the George E. Ream trophy and a $25.00 war bond. E. L. Thomas won the second low net prize, $10.00 in war saving stamps.