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Roy E. Hills, Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, was back at his desk J:une 25 after a two weeks' trip to the Pin6 mills of Northern California and Southern Oregon.

W. E. Cooper of W. E. Cooper Wholesale Lumber, and C. M. Cooper, W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., Los Angeles, have returned from a business trip to Northern California and Oregon.

Charles E. Sand of Charles E. Sand Plyrvood Co., Portland, Oregon, left Los .{ngeles ,June 13, after a business trip to San Francisco and Los Angeles. When in Los Angeles he visited his son, R. C. (Bob) Sand, owner of Cole Door & Plywood Co.

Lee H. Eubank of L. H. Calif., is back from spending Pacific Northwest cities.

Eubank & Son, Inglewood, two u'eeks on business in

George Melville, manager of the Los Angeles branch of Simpson fndustries, Inc., left June 27 on a two weeks' visit to the head office and plants in Washington.

Clint Laughlin, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, was a recent visitor to the Northwest.

J. W. Copeland, J. W. Ore., spent several days of June,

Copeland Yards, Inc., Portland, in Los Angeles the latter part is now in the.office of American HardAngeles. He was formerly with Atlas Northwestern Hardwood Co.. Los An-

A. E. Wolff, manag'er, Kilpatrick & Co., San Francisco, rvas back at his desk June 23 lrom a business trip to Vancouver, B. C., Seattle, Portland and Eugene. He made the trip by air both ways.

Doyle Bader, general superintendent, Consolidated Lumber Co., Wilmington, Calif., is on a business trip to the Pacific Northwest. He will call on mills in the Redwood producing area on the way back.

R. W. (Jack) Dalton, R. W. Dalton & Co., Los Angeles, returned early in June from the Pacific Northwest, where he called on West Coast Plywood Co., Aberdeen, which he represents in the Southwest. He also called on sawmills in Oregon and Washington.

S. A. Douglas, Mulcahy Lumber Co., Tucson, Arizona, returned early in June from a business trip to Oregon and Washington. He spent a few days in Los Angeles going and corrring.

Wayne Rawlings, manager of Harbor California, San Francisco, left June 28 Harbor Plywood Corporation mill at He expects to be back July 9.

Plywood Corp. of for a visit to the Hoquiam, Wash.

Neal B. Waugh of the Neal B. Waugh Lumber Co., Tucson, Arizona, recently spent a few days in Los Angeles on business.

C. V. Drake, Portland, Ore., retail lumberman, was a recent Los Angeles visitor.

.Ed Armstrong wood Co., Los Lumber Co. and geles.

B. R. Glatts, Glatts Lumber Co., Pasadena, left June 15 on a two weeks' business trip to Oregon. He will return by way of the Redwood Highway.

Don Braley, manager of the San Francisco office of U. S. Plywood Corporation, was a recent visitor to Los Angeles.

Roy Pitche, und C,rrt M.F"dd"n of Associated Lumber Co., Los Angeles, have returned from a ltusiness trio to the Northwest.

Harry W. Aldrich of the H. W. Aldrich Lumber Co., Eugene, Ore., and Mrs. Aldri,ch attended the graduation of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, from Stanford at palo Alto, Calif. on Sunday, June 17.

Willicm F. Bcdrd

William F. Baird, sales manager for Michigan-California Lumber Co., Camino, Calif., since 1932, passed awav in Placerville June 12. He was born in Gold Hill, Nevada, in 1879, and speht hi5 earlier life in San Francisco and Fresno. He saw service in the Philippines in the Spanish-American W-ar, and after several years' experience in rvholesale and retail lumber business became sales manager of the Madera Sugar Pine Lumber Co., Madera, and later was general sales manager of Sugar Pine Lumber Co., Pinedale, Calif. He served as a member of the advertising and promotion committee of the.Western Pine .Association.

Mr. Baird is survived by his widow, Mrs. Alice H. Baird; two sons, Malcolm Baird, Mill Valley, and William H. Baird, Berkeley, a daughter, Mrs. A. E. Chaddock of Fresno, and three sisters.

Hugh E Hcndley

Hugh Edrvard Handley, pioneer San Francisco lumberman, passed away in San Francisco June 16 on his 92nd birthday, a{ter a long illness.

Mr. Handley was born in Troy, N. Y. and moved with his family to Santa Cruz at the age of 3. ITe came to San Francisco in 1880 and spent a lifetime in the lumber business. He retired from his last position as superintendent of J. H. Kruse Lumber Co. atrout six years ago.

He is survived by his son, Hugh Warren Handley, sales manager of Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, and well known throughout the Pacific Coast lumber industry.

Fnneral services were held in San Francisco on Tune 19.

Los Angeles County Building Permits Building permits issued during May in unincorporated area of Los Angeles County totaled 2,194, with an estimated value of $4,019,312, according to Cassatt D. Griffin, acting chief of the department of building and safety. Comparable figures for May, 1944, were: 1,648 permits valued at $1,799,583 and for April, 1945, 2,069 permits valued at $3,680,203.

Valuation of building during the first five months of this year is estimated at $13,096,400 as compared with $16,025,939 for the like 1944 period.

Woodworking Equipment

The WPB says preference ratings for class I wood working machinery can be obtained hereafter only on WpB Form 3131, except for direct use by the Army, Navy, Veterani' Administration, United States Maritirne Commission and War Shipping Administration.

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