9 minute read
Plcstic-lcrced plyvrood one oI the recent developments in the Douglcrs fir plyrrood industry is being supplied to the armed lorces in consideroble qucntities.
These panels are used mcrinly lor the packaging ol vclucble suppliei crnd mcchines thct need special protection.
When these plcrstic-Icced panels cne relecsed lor civilian uses the lumber dealer will find thcrt they will serve mcny peacetime needs. They ccrn be used for outdoor signs, lronts ol stores, restcurqnts qnd other building+ cts weU cIs in the home-buildingr field.
They will be excellent mcrterial lor countertops crnd other surlaces that cre subiected to severe weqr.
The California Lumber Merchant
I'm looking back through the years
A full score of years or more
And I'm greeting the first bright issue Of the C.L.M. as of yore. I eagerly scan its pages, Its fresh new lines I read, And again I exclaim, "Eureka !" This is what lumbermen need.
Today I am looking backward
And through the past years I see, A long procession of C.L.M.'s Coming each month to me; There would be Jack's own story, Facts and figures to heed, Fun for an idle moment And sturdy pronouncement to read.
I'm straying back through the yearsThe years that were care free and gay. Long years of industrious toil, Depression's years somber and grey; And here in the files are preserved, The records of times and of places, Bright scenes which we u'ould not forget, The words of old friends and their faces.
And now to the future I'm turningThe years we can mold to our will, In freedom of thought, speech and action, With our flag floating over us still; And the measure of lumberdom's service To each worthy cause will be told And enshrined in the files we'Il be keeping As the saga of peace shall unfold.
A. Merriam Conner.
The American custom of standing in line before a bank teller's window has reached as far as the Island of Guam. The Bank of Guam, pictured above on pay day, is housed in one of the comfortable Quonset Huts which are being used for barracks, stores, offices, and now banks in occupied areas of the Pacific.
This Quonset Hut, which is being made by the Great Lakes Steel Corporation, Stran Steel Division, is a prefabricated building with steel arch ribs of such a design that the Masonite Presdwood lining can be nailed directly to the ribs. The huts are erected so simply that it tak-es but a few hours for enlisted men to open packing cases and set up a complete Quonset Hut.
Now that V-E Day has come and gone, the millions <jf soldiers and sailors who have lived in Quonset Huts will be good postwar prospects for modern convenient homes.
With Mcrnulcrcturers Lumber Co.
B. W. Byrne lrn Ecrst
B. W. (Bobby) Byrne of B. W. Byrne & Sons, wholesale and retail hardwood dealers, Long Beach, left around June I on a six weeks' trip to the East, Middle West and South. He will visit New York and many other eastern cities and rvill call on hardwood mills in the Middle West and South.
Don W. Swindell, formerly with Ralph E. Barto Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is'now with Manufacturers Lumber Co., Los Angeles.
FIIA Administrctor Besigms
Washington, June 1S-President Truman today accepted the resignation of Abner H. Ferguson as administrator of the Federal Housing Authoritp effective July 1.
Allot Additional Lumber to \(/FA For Farm Use in Third Quarter
An additional 23,00O,000 board feet of lumber has been allotted to the War Food Administration for distribution to farmers for emergency maintenance and repair of farm dwellings in the third quarter of. 1945, the War Production Board announced recently.
Farmers make application for the lumber to the County Agricultural Conservation Committees, and approved applications are rated AA-3 by delegation of authority from WPB to WFA. Emergency cases for which applications will be approved are limited to repair of damage caused by fire, flood or similar disaster, or repair of dwellings that would be uninhabitable or a definite hazard to the health of the occupants if not repaired immediately, WPB said.
The lumber allotted to WFA is transferred from the amount originally allotted to WPB's Office of Civilian Requirements in the third quarter of 1945 for maintenance, repair and operating supplies for farm dwellings, WPB said. A similal transfer of 22,000,ffi board feet for emergency repair of farm dwellings was made in the second quarter.
MPn-589, Douglcs Fir Stock Millwork
Uniform dollar-and-cent ceiling prices at the mill level on Douglas fir stock millwork have been established by the Office of Price Administration.
Products covered in'clude frames, windows and sash and lineal sash stock, screen doors, combination doors and porchwork. Until now, ceiling prices of these millwork items when made of Douglas fir have been frozen at March 1942 levels.
Douglas fir doors and moldings are not affected by this action. t
Grosr Guttng
Anglc Guttng
Bevcl Gutting
Grooving lcnoning
Gompound tltcrlng
Radlus Guttrg lointing tlakes Available Lumber
Maximum Price Regulation
589-Douglas Fir Stock Millwork-efiective June 11.
Sell brterests in Lumber Finn
Interests of C. L. and M. W. McCready in the Santiam Lumber Co. have been purchased by the Powers-Davis interests in the same company. Walter Leisy has been made manager of both the Santiam and Powers-Davis mills at Sweet lfome and Lebanon. Ore.
Lumber Wcrges
Starting July 1, all new sawmills and logging camps in Oregon, Washington, California, Idahcr and Montana must get their wage schedules approved by the West Coast Lumber Commission, Portland, the commission announces. Ruling does not affect employers who previously had started ooerations.
Saleable Lumber ou cAN count on the lumber industry to take on the tremendous postwar building job with the same energy and effectiveness that has characterized its service in the.war effort'
In these days of lumber shoftages a cutting machine that can take scraps, damaged and ofi.sized lumber and turn it into extra cash, can make a big difierence on the daily profit sheet A Wilson Radial Saw does just that and more! In addition to its versatility (any cut is possible) this saw is famous for its accuracy, speed, safety and easd of operation.'Wilsons are the busiest machines in the shop.
In most areas a Wilson Service Engineer ic near you. With his wide lumber experience he can give you much helpful, profitable cqtting information along with a Wilson demonstration o.. No obligation.
WRiTE On WIRE today.
You can count on lumber because as a nation we have the timber, the mills, and the facilities to produce quality lumber for normal domestic needs.
The war-time scarcity of lumber for civilian consumption is easily understood. war needs come first. And these needs are taking the best and very nearly all the lumber being manufactured... just as they are taking the best of everything for our fighting men.
In spite of the enorrnous lumber footage produced for the wdr, we still have available for our peace-time needs vast of timber resources, made up not'only of mature timber harvest, but also of constantly growing supplies of count on lumber because Timber is a Crop, and modern forest management, with proper forest harng practices, is making significant strides toward the Loal of sustained timber production, where timber growth equals the harvest. You can count on lumber again, oru gleat renewable natural resource.
Tell Me Again
Tell me again the story, That you, told when we both were young, You were my prince in glory, A prince with a golden tongue. The touch of your hand was thrillin!, The fact that you l.ived, was joyBut I was only a girl, dear, And you, were only ? boy.
Tell me the way you told me, When our love was the song of spring, Hold me as you would hold me, When love was a sacred thing. Let the silyer that's in your hair, love, Be jet, as it usici to be, When I was so new to caresses, And you were so great to me.
Here by the fireside sitting, As the pictures in flames run by, Sweet be the moments fitting, And children, just you and I. For the love of our age is richer, And yet, I,would feel the joy, Of the love that was only a girl's, dear, For her prince' -1o"x:rTy*:Jo{u"*",.
The Righr Word
The boss said to the small son of one of his colored employes who had been painfulty but not seriously hurt in a work accident a fery days before:
"Mose, when will your,papa be back to work?', Little Mose said: "I don' know fo sho, Suh, but hit will be a long time."
The boss asked: "What ,makes you think it will?,, Little Mose said: "Case, Suh, compensation's done set in.tt
To c Stcr
Let a man fasten himself to some great idea, some large truth, some noble cause, and it will send him forward with energf, with steadfastness, with confidence. That is what Emerson meant when he said: ..flitch your wagon to a star."
f'An optimist, my son, is a man who comes home and finds cigar stubs around the house, and decides his wife must have quit smoking cigarettes.',
Logiccl Delense
Defense Attorney: "Now tell the court in your words how you happened to take the car.r, Defendant: "Well, Judge, the car was standing in front of the cemetery, so I naturally thought the owner was dead."
A Soldier's Fcrewell.
Yea, say that I went down to death, Serene and unafraid; Still loving song, but loving more Life, of which song is made.
The Mcn
Search thine own heart. What paineth thee fn others, in thyself may be. All dust is frail; all fesh is weak; Be thou the true man that thou seek. -
Living Todcy
Thomas Dreier says: If we are ever to cnjoy life, now is the time-not tomorrow, nor next year, nor in some future life after we are dead. The best preparation for a better life next year is a full, harmonious, joyous tife this year. One's beliefs in a rich future life are of little importance unless we coin them into a rich present life. Today should'always be our most wonderful day.
A Scmrple Wcs Enough
The late Ambassador Walter'page was formerly editor of "World's 'Work," and, like all editors, was obliged to Irass on many offered manuscripts from ainbitiow writers. A lady once wrote him:
"Sir: You sent back, l,ast week, a story of mine. I know you did not read the story, because, as a test, I pasted the. pages 18, 19 and 20 together, and the stOry came back with those pages still pasted. So I know you are a fraud who criticizes things you have not cven read.,'
Mr. Page wrote back: .'Mada"': At breakfast when f open an egg, I don't have to eat the whole egg to discover h<iw bad it is."
Scotch Fun
MacDonald: "Did ye have a good time at the party Sat_ urday nicht MacDuff?"
MacDuff: "A wonder-r-rful time. Jist imagine! Fourteen o' us pipers a' gather-r-red tagither-r-r in Sandy Tamson,s wee back room, wi' plenty o, whusky-the verra best of whusk5r-an' a' playin' different chunes! Mon; Ah thocht Ah was foatin' in Heaven."
Direction.5 to Ord etL'4l Amended
Direction 5 to Order L-41 as amended, sets up three categories of construction projects with criteria that must be satisfied within each category before authorization is granted'
The amendment also provides for authorization without priorities assistance of projects that do not completely meet the stated criteria' or projects for which materials and equipment are on hand or are available without priorities' Horvever, such projects will not be approved unless they can be completed without supplementary requests for priority assistance on bottleneck items.
The three categories established in the amended direction are:
(1) Additions to or alterations of existing facilities to make civilian products, representing slight modifications of the type formerly covered by Direction 5.
(2) Facilities for production of bottleneck materials or components used in other industries.
(3) Facilities for needed civilian production or services, representing a slight expansion of types formerly approved by WPB, and now specifically itemized in Direction 5.
Resigns As AFPI Chiel
Washington, D. C., June l5.-Announcement of the resignation of Charles R. French as public relations director of the Amercian Forest Products Industries, Inc., of Washington, D' C', has been made by Corydon Wagner, Tacoma, Washington, chairman of the organization's administrative committee' Mr. French plans to start his orvn advertising business in Washington. His resignation became effective on June 1.
At the same time, Mr. Wagner announced the appointments of Chapin Collins as Washington manager of American Forest Products Industries and of M. O. Chenoweth as manager of the New York office.
FI -FbR y."r, SisalkrafCs position in the building paper industry has been ,rnqu.stioned. It is'known as a superior PtS"o antywhete' giti"g ;titi".ti* tlrat gertotlly ottoJt its claims as to guality'
ftne feathers make fine birds...
SisalkrafCs greater satisfaction creates frimdships, inspires confid.n.e, associltes you with qualiry .merchandise ' ' ' a business ap pii*.i"i "f th. oid ,to"y of "fitt" feathers makc fine birdsff' Further proof of satisfaction is its use in war. More than 11,000,0fi) mm in,i* "r-"a services have scen supplies, wrapped-in sisalkraft, sray as clean and fresh as when p-ac'ked,.it] tpit:.of exposure to Aleutian gales, Sahara dust, Guadalcanal humidity, or of being tfuown in6 the sea and foated to shore'
\tr0ith such overwhelming proof of p,rotection-from wind, rain, dirt, and moisture before th&r, these m^en are going to want Sisallraft in civilian life. e[ of which means a continuing active demand and unsurpassed opportunity for profit' '