2 minute read


Rate--$2.50 per Column Inch.


The site of the Exposition Lumber Yard, approximately 26,000 sq. ft., extending between Exposition and lefferson Boulevards. Located on the North border'of The Baldwin Hills subdivision developments.

The only retail site in this territory with permits for both lumber and heavy manufacturing.

Address J. T. Mann, 4512 W.16th Place Los Angeles 6, Calif.

WHitney 143O

Position Wanted As Yard Manager

Young man, thoroughly experienced and capable retail lumberman, wants position as manager of a yard. Prefers anywhere in California

Address Box C-11O6, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Catif.


San Diego County country lumber yard and hardware will sell some stock to man who can take charge of yard, assist with books and in the store. Earning from stock to pay for same. This is permanent. Owner wishes to semi-retire. State age, full qualifications and minimum salary expected.

Address Box C-1107, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

Wanted Position As Manager

Available after September lst for position as manager of retail yard, or executive in wholesale lumber company. Twelve years' experience in contracting, building, estimating and manufacture. llave sales experience and executive ability. Connection must be permanent with reliable firm. Age 34, married, financially dependable. Prefer West Coast, or Southwest United States connection.

Address Box C-1110, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central BIdg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

For Sale

Good City location. A planing mill now manufacturing window frames and.box spring frames, and some custom milling. Plenty of work with priorities. Machinery consists of: l Resaw; 1 Planer; 1 six-inch moulder; 2 Cut-off saws; 1 Table saw; I Jamb sander; I Drill; 1 Band saw; Blowing system; Equipped tool room; Total $12,000 for good going business. Rent $20O.00 a month, good lease.

Small stock at cost. 36 Roller lumber truck and office equipment extra.

Address Box C-1115, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

Semi Portable Sawmill For Sale Located In Mendocino County

Constructed so :rs to be easily knocked down for removal.

I Friction Nigger log turner.

t 60" 3 block, hand set, screw block, 18 ft. carriage and track for same to cut logs up to 24 ft. long.

1 Husk frame with top and bottom 54rt inserted tooth saws, saws practically new, belt feed works.

1 Sawdust conveyor with No. 78 chain, drive and sprockets, approximately 50 ft. long.

1 Counter shaft with pulleys and belts to go with rnill. Live Main roll case length of sawmill.

1 Tower 3 saw edger with tail shifting lever, in and out feed tables for edger.

1 Swing cut off saw with Chevrolet motor for power rolls and table for cut off saw.

1 Edger sawdust conveyor with chains approximately . 40 ft. long.

Tin roof and frame and timbers for mill.

This mill operated all last season and cut 25M' BM Fir per 8-hour day.

Price: As is, where is-$6,000.0o.

Address Box C-1114, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

Lumber Yards For Sale


Yard near Los Angeles llarbor, spur track, machinery and buildings. $15,000. Some stock available at market.

Yard (closed) 10 miles from Los Angeles. Lease $225.00 a month, including residence.

Yard (closed) near Cornpton, qpur track across street, $12,500.

D. I Acte Yard site and building (closed), San Fernando Road, $11,000.

E. One acre yard site on Highway, Santa Barbara, no buildings, ipur adjoining, $12,5(D.

F. l/2 acres or more with spur, near Sepulveda Blvd. No buildings. /

G. Lumber yard on west side of town, closed for duration;'over half acre, boulevard frontage, complete with buildings. Lease $150 monthly, plus taxes.

H. Lumber yard, L. A. County coast district. 10 acres but only three acres used for yard. Will only sell entire 10 acres. New owner could subdivide balance. Complete with bulidings and spur track. Price $30,0O0. Small stock additional. Terms.

I. Lurnber yard site, 2 acres with spur, Los Angeles Southwest district. No buildings. $10,000.

If you want to sell your lumber yard, let us know. Twohy Lu,mber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers 801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif. PRospect 8746


Arcatc Redwood Co' ,l!O Mcrket Street (ll)....

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