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1209 Nadecu Street, Ipa Angeles I IEfferson 4221



See lhc Acme lnatncrotor with woter wosftcd top

Elected President

J. D. Long, Tacoma, Wash., chief of the research department of the Douglas Fir Plywood Association, has been elected president of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. The society, which maintains administrative offices at St. Joseph, Mich., is devoted to the application of engineering to farm production problems and rural living. It was organized in 1907. Mr. Long holds engineering degrees both from Iowa State College and the University of California. He takes office July l, as the first Pacific Northwest man to become president of the society.

Wilt Mill Aircrcft Spruce

The Pioneer Lumber Co., which will mill aircraft spruce on the site of the old Aircraft Lumber Co. at Aberdeen, Wash., started operating on June 1, according to the announcement by President Jake N. Vohs. His partners are Ted Whitworth, secretary and sales manager, and H. D. Cobble, mill manager.

Cijas Si F Ie D Advertising


Experienced Planing Mill Detailer and Lister wanted. Ideal working conditions. Permanent position for right man.

J. A. Hart Mill & Lumber Co.

Jerrold Ave. and Napoleon St. San Francisco 24, Calif.

Sales Manager Wanted

To originate plans for postwar projects in connection with large established woodworking plant in Southern California. The man wanted must be thoroughly familiar with the market in this area; he must be able to evaluate any items offered with reference to cost of manufacture as well as to marketability of article; he must have imagination and initiative coupled with business judgment. Write for interview.

Address Box C-l116, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

Lumber Yard Wanted

Want to purchase small lumber yard not requiring large capital. Must be located on West Coast or in Southwestern States.

Address Box C-llll, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Ccntral Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

For Sale

"ORTON" single surfacer l2x30, good condition, traveling bed, complete with motor, square head, V Belt drive. Available late August. Price $12O0.00.

For carpenter shop band saw; treadle type cut-off saw iron frame; Billing typewriter, Burroughs Bookkeeping machine; Electric adding machine, table type; see our ad in June lst issue.

Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers

801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif.

Phone PRospect 8746

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