1 minute read

AIIGI.O CAI,ITORTIIA [u[IBEn C0. Wh"lrrale bi*rihntorr

Weil Coafi Wool.t

Ponderosa Pine - Sugcu Pinc

Douglcrs Fir - Redwood

W. A. Constans, first low net winner in the second flight, won The California Lumber Merchant cup and a $25.00 war bond; George Burnett won the second low net prize, $10.00 in war savings stamps and three golf balls; thelhird low net prize, three golf balls, went to Roy Stanton, Jr.

Bob Osgood came the nearest to the hole on the l2th green, 54 inches, in his shot from the tee and received three golf balls. In the other special events, the winners rvere given golf balls.

The prizes in the blind bogey contest were war savings stamps and the winners were: first, $2.50, Tom Crain; sec_ ond $5.00, "Btrzz" Blanchard; third, $2.50, Loren Weddle.

The following were contributors to the prize and, enter_ tainment fund: I-awrence-Philips Lumber Co., patten_ Blinn Lumber Co., San pedro Lumber Co., Hammond Lumber Company, Sun Lumber Co., Lounsberry & Harris, Tacoma Lumber Sales, A. L. Hoover, Long-Bell Lumber Co., Pope & Talbot, Inc., Lumber Division, West Oregon Lumber Co., Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., Rodert S. Osgood, Precision Kiln Drying Co., D. D. McCallum, MacDougall Door & Plywood Co., D. C. Essley, South_ west Sash & Door Co., John W. Koehl & Son, Bohnhofi ber Co., fnc., The California Door Co., E. J. Stanton & Son, Harvey Koll, Atlas'Lumber Co., pacific Cabinet Co., George E. Ream Co., American Hardwood Co., Ryness Flooring Co., Associated Lumber Co., California panel & Veneer Co., F. L. Jordan Sash & Door Co., Western }Iard_ wood Lumber Co., and The California Lumber Merchant.

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