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Mcnulacturers Quality Redwood Lumber

"Big l|lflll Lumher From s Little l|lill' SAIES AGENTS


420 Market St., S<rn Frcrncisco ll

Southen Calilornicr Representcrtive

I.I. Rea,5410 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 36 WEbster 7828

Terrible Twenty GolI Tourncnnent

The Terrible Twenty held its 228th golf. tournament at the Los Angeles Country Club on Friday, May 25. Roy Stanton, Ed Bauer and Clarence Bohnhoff staged the show. Bob Falconer, with a net 71, won first prize, a bronze golf ash tray. DeWitt Clark turned in a net score ol 74 and. took the second prize, a bronze golf sandwich plate, and Ed Cutting won the guest prize, two golf balls.

The new board of directors for the coming year includes Bob Osgood, chairman, Ed Bauer, vice chairman, Sid Alling, Clarence Bohnhoff and Roy Pitcher. The board appointed DeWitt Clark secretary, and Clarence Bohnhofi assistant secretary. Dee Essley was selected as chairman of publicity, and Sid Alling will be in charge of handicaps.

New Retcil Yqrd

J. G. Dooleyhas opened a retail'lumber yard at 3334 San Fernando Road, Los Angeles, which he is operating under the name of Dooley & Co. Mr. Dooley's7x5 formerly in the wholesale material business in Los Angeles.

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